Dear Mr. President, In listening to your responses for justifying your position on the Healthcare Bill and the Congresses planed use of the "DEEM & PASS" procedure, I find your comments not only indefensible but reprehensible.
Claiming that you don't get involved in the House's politics and you find the process and procedures "ugly" shows America your disdain for the people and lack of Presidential leadership. You have the power and ability to take the high road and insist that Pelosi do the same on…
By: Howard Johnson, Florida's ARP Chairman, for the “Jacksonville”, Florida “Observer”
After assessing the enormous harm it does to individuals, businesses, and society as a whole, it’s easy to come to the conclusion that the federal income tax code is clearly the worst law in the United States. The law itself is simply beyond the comprehension of those who write it, enforce it, and live under it. It has a massive, wasted overhead cost of $235 billion annually. It generates more than 40 million civil penalties each year, which the IRS issues like parking tickets. Still, evasion has…
By John W. Whitehead
December 11, 2009
"I try to avoid hyperbole, but I think Obama is possibly the most dangerous and destructive president we have ever had."—Nat Hentoff
Nat Hentoff has had a life well spent, one chock full of controversy fueled by his passion for the protection of civil liberties and human rights. Hentoff is known as a civil libertarian, free speech activist, anti-death penalty advocate, pro-lifer and not uncommon critic of…
Dennis Kucinich, the Ohio democratic Congressman, after a 1 hour flight on air force one with the president, today announced that he was abandoning all his so-called principle's and would vote for the President's Health Care Bill. After all his claims of how he would NEVER vote for the bill unless and until it included a public option. Obviously, he is not a man of either his convictions or his word. Mr. Kucinich is a perfect example of the type of politician we can no longer afford…
Recently, President Barack Obama declared that his government "will spend our way out of the recession," which is another way of saying that the government will find clever ways to put money into the hands of people who have produced nothing or very little for it and then encourage them to spend, spend, spend.
Paul Krugman of the New York Times recently declared that our real economics problem is this: "What's limiting employment now is lack of demand for the things workers produce." Not surprisingly, this issue has been thrown about in socialist literature for more than…
Buried in the Healthcare Reform Bill is a provision which authorizes the Federal Government to take over all outstanding private school loans, making the government the sole source and provider for future funding of education loans to students and families.
This little piece of legislation, conveniently embedded in the bigger Healthcare Bill, will only serve to corrupt and devastate the entire educational system. It further accentuates and perpetuates Obama and the Progressives distorted and devious plan for fundamental change in our country. It is abundantly clear their designs for government are about controlling the lives of the American…
Or How To Pass A Bill Without A Majority Vote.
It's enough to make any Conservative or a Liberal mad as hell when we witness the unethical politics currently unfolding in Washington today. We both are tired of the obvious corruption, larceny, bribery, political maneuvering and strong-arm tactics over self-serving party policies and politics while they violate and destroy every Fundamental Principle and Law of our Constitution.
We are today witnessing, through press reports and numerous lawmakers themselves, how many different methods or procedures they can use or enact in order to pass the Health Care Bill…
Obama and Pelosi intend to use a measure in the house known as "Deem & Pass" whereby the house will simply attach the Senate version of the Health Care bill to a newly drafted modifications (fixes) to the Senate Bill. In other words, the house democrats only have to vote on the fixes, NOT THE SENATE BILL itself, thereby DEEMING the Senate version as approved. Now that's underhanded and unconscionable!
Once again, Obama, Pelosi and Democrats show their willingness to completely disregard the peoples wishes as they intentionally violate the Constitution in furthering their personal agenda for controlling…
The words still deliver a punch as they make you smile.
"It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress." ("Following the Equator")
Mark Twain departed the world he made laugh, and think, a hundred years ago next month -- on April 21, 1910, to be exact. But his observations about politics and America's role in the world retain enduring relevance a century later.
". . . an honest man in politics shines more than he would elsewhere." ("A Tramp Abroad")
…Obama, Pelosi, Reid & both Progressive Democrat and Republicans risk their political future attempting to push the poorly crafted, twenty-six hundred page and illegal Health Care Reform Bill through the House.
It is absolutely amazing to witness our elected officials as they completely and willfully ignore the overwhelming majority of Americans who are opposed to either the proposed bill or any Healthcare reform at all. Their continued arrogance and insistence on using every political tactic or maneuver to circumvent the peoples will and push their agenda through the house and Senate leads Americans to reach only one conclusion.…
LEAN being the times Americans will face, MEAN is the method of implementation of great hardship on America, and GREEN is the radical environmental agenda sold to the world as the shill to implement the aforementioned two. Green also relates to the vast billions that a hierarchy of global elites plans to pocket specifically from Americans. So, why is President Barack Obama so obstinately determined to get his versions of Health Care and Cap-and-Trade into law over the overwhelming objection of Americans?
President Obama insists that America must be “transformed.” The President’s educational mentor, Saul Alinsky, writes that…
In my lifetime, I observed 11 Presidents swearing on a bible to uphold the Constitution, protect our national security and insure the Life, Liberties and Freedom of the American people. Each and every time, wether I voted for the man or not, I had a reasonably good sense and feeling about the man and the possible outcome of his ensuing administration. I had a sense that regardless of their individual goals and objectives, they were qualified, reasonable men with a good amount of honor and humility willing to compromise on their agendas to serve ALL the peoples interests.