There is a relatively new terminology in the cyber world called,'going viral'. It's when an e-mail gets blasted around so much, everyone seems to know about it. This email is a true candidate to go viral.. Pass it on-and on-and on!
"Socialism is a philosophy of failure,
the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy,
its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery..."
-- Winston Churchill
President Obama’s approval ratings are…
It is hard to forget the expectations of an Obama female supporter during the 2008 election who exclaimed on video: "I never thought this day would come. I won't have to worry about putting gas in my car. I won't have to worry about paying my mortgage." Standing in a long line in Detroit, a woman expecting to get a cut of Obama's Stimulus is heard saying that she was waiting to get some "Obama money." When asked where Obama got the money, she reportedly replied: "I don't know - his stash. I don't know where he got it…
We are told to be proud of electing the first Black president because that demonstrates America is not a racist country. Ok we did that! And all we managed to accomplish, much like implementing affirmative action, is that while we are no longer a racist country – we are a majority of stupid liberals suffering from white guilt. What a way to pick the leader of the free world!
We made history with this guy alright; here we are breaking all records the least of which…
In addition to bigger government and more debt, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) sees a threat to our nation’s security as a result of the debt-ceiling compromise now known as the Budget Control Act of 2011:
“If fully implemented, the consequences to our nation’s defense infrastructure would be severe. And, these deep cuts would come at a time when threats to our nation are increasing, not declining. What has happened to the party of Reagan that viewed the primary purpose of the federal government was to provide a strong national defense?”
As moderate Republicans lose ground…
The House of Representatives passed a deal claiming the United States was close to defaulting on its debts. As the bill made its way over to the Senate, the media and Democrats are railing against the influence the Tea Party had on the outcome. During the debate, some Republican freshman members were urging leaders not to make any concessions, and some felt any increase in the debt ceiling was out of the question. How will these new Tea Party…
The American Reform Party is proud to announce that BettyJean Downing, an original founder of the of the American Reform Party having served in the capacity of National Secretary, is presently the National Vice Chairwoman Elect and currently presiding over the State of New Jersey chapter of the American Reform Party as Chairwoman.
If ObamaCare was in effect today, would surgery, dialysis and chemo also be held hostage to this debate?
The American Reform Party is proud to announce that BettyJean Downing, one of the original founders of the of the American Reform Party having served in the capacity of National Secretary, is presently the National Vice Chairwoman Elect and currently presiding over the State of New Jersey chapter of the American Reform Party as Chairwoman.
Las Vegas mogul, Steve Wynn, reportedly said the following about President Barack Obama:
“This is Obama’s deal and it’s Obama that’s responsible for this fear in America.” The guy keeps making speeches about redistribution. And, maybe we [the administration] ought to do something to businesses that don't invest, they’re holding too much money. We haven't heard that kind of talk except from pure socialists. Everybody's afraid of the government and there's no need soft-peddling it, it's the truth. It is the truth! And that's true of Democratic businessmen and Republican businessmen, and I am a Democratic businessman and…
Obama's duplicity is renowned. Obama's long-hyped "shovel ready jobs" to rebuild America's infrastructure turned out to be a joke that elicited an on-camera chuckle from Obama. Obama's latest ploy is to play "nice Boehner vs. bad Republicans," as if John Boehner is a doofus. After publicly sweet talking Speaker Boehner for "doing his best," he derides Boehner's Republican caucus for adhering to the will of a 76% majority of Americans who do not want the debt ceiling raised. Obama ignores voters' demands for major spending cuts - especially on bloated agencies like the EPA, DOE and endless other government…
The Gang of Six plan is nothing more than a destructive compromise between both parties in order to justify to their constituents that, they understood the problem and were able to reach an equitable permanent solution to government spending abuse.
Nothing in this plan could be further from the truth. These idiots haven't a clue on how to cut spending let alone balance a budget. They are negotiating a debt increase to pay their reckless government spending and unwarranted debt with the security bond markets(additional government borrowing) while obligating us to pay it back. NOT THEM BUT US!
…Like two peas in a genetically-engineered pod, Barack Obama and Al Gore share the same green dream. Both are immersed in the propaganda of climate-change and man-made global warming and have been for years before Obama was elected. Man-made global warming is not real science. It is agenda-science. Agenda-science - because it serves the agendas of those out to do harm to America. Facts are a nuisance to globalist factions that are using fraudulent climate claims to gain power, control and vast amounts of wealth. "Green" is mean. It mandates lean times. It is a deal breaker for American…