Gentlemen, lets stop the political rhetoric, posturing and pandering to your constituents over your reluctance in cutting governments outrageous spending and the necessary budget cuts now required. Now is NOT the time for party politics but the time for you to act as a concerned citizen. It's time for you to start acting like the rest of the American people.
Our country is heading into complete and total Bankruptcy because of you and your predecessors irresponsible policies and spending. This is not the time to nickel and dime the cutting process but the time to make deep…
The budget battle is just starting to heat up. The rhetoric is going to get very hot and the charges will be very extreme. Let’s look at a typical area for cuts, education, and lay out what is likely to happen.
This is just an example and the same tactics will be used for each program facing a cut. We’ll show you the liberal tactics and the desired conservative response.
The first argument will be that we don’t need to cut the amount being sought – it always ought to be less.
The problem with this…
I've had it with both party's in Washington and our destructive, simple minded, man-child for a President Obama.
It's time the American people give them all a loud and clear directive in which to follow before they further destroy this country. That directive is "WE WANT A STRAIGHT FORWARD BUDGET WITH A 25% ACROSS THE BOARD SPENDING CUT & WE WANT IT NOW!
I don't care how they do it but do it now, today before it gets any worse. But cut it straight across the board on all government spending. This is the only fair and…
Wisconsin State Senate Republicans, late today, have found a way to push through a vote that removed a number of benefits (including collective bargaining rights) from public employee unions.
The Republicans smartly separated these reforms from the overall budget bill - thus eliminating the requirement of a quorum. There has been an explosive reaction with thousands of liberal union protestors rushing to the State Capitol in Madison and threats by Democrats to find a way to halt this bill, declaring it unlawful.
The State Assembly is set to pass the measure tomorrow and then Gov. Scott Walker…
Have you ever wondered, if both Democrats and Republicans are against deficits, why do we have a $13 trillion deficit? If all the politicians are against inflation, why do we have inflation? Or, If all the politicians are against higher taxation then, why do we have ever increasing high taxes?
I've said this before and I will say it again. The real reason we face hard economic times globally and here in America is directly attributable to the high cost of fuel and NOT the mortgage collapse that our government and half ass economists would have us believe!
The justification for my statement and claim is based on the simple premise that the higher cost of fuel has directly impacted on every single business and individuals income.
The cost of every single thing we eat, drink, wear, drive, manufacture, produce, purchase or use has been dramatically affected…
Obama's complete disregard for his oath of office, the law and our Constitution are grounds for impeachment!
Several times now Obama, along with his pet monkey, Attorney General Eric Holder, have openly and blatantly breached their oath of office by refusing " preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Their first breach was when the Justice Department had seen fit to drop voter intimidation charges against Malik Shabazz’ New Black Panther Party’s involvement in the now infamous events at a polling place in Philadelphia on November 4, 2008. In light of the recent testimony…
As the Middle East erupts in turmoil, Israel appears to be isolated both politically and physically. As Egypt calls for democracy, the resulting destabilization in the region has become a flashpoint for the rise of Islamic radicalism. Even so, a seismic shift in the extremists' confidence occurred long before the Egyptian uprising. America's enemies experienced a stunning revelation that their time had come as they, and the world, viewed the once unthinkable act of an American president bowing to a Saudi king. Obama's bow symbolized an undeniable sign of America's weakness and a crack in the armor of America…
If you're like me, then you too have had it with all the party politics being played out in Washington over government spending and National Debt that is jeopardizing the National Security, freedoms and general welfare of all Americans.
The financial crisis looming big over our country was created by both parties and its simplistic resolution are of a nonpartisan nature. Their is NO place in the process for playing party politics or posturing for who goes first let the other party make the mistake. The fact is that this crisis impacts on all Americans not a particular…
How much longer will the American People continue to tolerate the irrefutable negligence and total unadulterated incompetence of President Obama and the people in his administration.
President Obama has failed to uphold the oath of his office in which he swore to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." yet so far...
Thanks for the Roy Downing obit. I and many, many others will miss him. And my heart goes out to Louise and Betty Jean.
I always considered Roy a dear friend, a fellow veteran, a fellow Legionnaire, a fellow founder of the American Reform Party, an advocate and leader in Ross Perot’s United We Stand America national political organization, a defender of the U.S. Constitution, a sane and reasonable voice in Reform politics, and a good guy on the right side of the issues for which many of us were concerned.
Roy was an American…