The American Reform Parties newly appointed National Chairman, Michael Simone, has announced that the ARP is in the process of developing a plan to create a unified national coalition of the over 20 Independent Party's in the United States. It is the Party's beleif that through a coalition of independent 3rd parties, with a clearly defined and unified Platform, will allow voters to readily identify with and support Independent candidates with confidence.
Mr. Simone said he recognized that this can be a "daunting if not monumental task but one for which time has come." The party goal is to reach a coalition between a majority of the other parties before the end of this year allowing the newly created coalition time to prepare for the mid-term national elections. Mr Simone further said "The American voter in both Republican & Democratic Parties along with Independent Voters who represent approximately 47% of all voters have become thoroughly disgusted with the lies, spin, deception, disregard of the Constitution,disrespect for the voters wishes, abuse of power and lack of common sense in our Government and its elected officials. These attitudes, actions and lack of common sense in Washington today is what will ultimately give rise to our coalition and a strong 3rd party." Mr Simone beleives that the proposed coalition and 3rd party will likely become the major party of the future in America.
The ARP is banking on the coalition of Independent parties to provide a unified common sense political platform for the future of America that will include Constitutional Amendments for Term Limits, Balanced Budget and Tax Reform while endorsing candidates running on a platform that will allow all voters to get behind with confidence. The ARP plans to release its overall plan of Independent Coalition later this month.
Mr. Simone concluded by saying "Stay tuned, this is going to be an historic ride to Washington by the people to Take Back America'"
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