Well Liberals and the Democratic party have finally proven their complete and utter lack of any common sense and respect for their fellow Americans, our country and its constitution when they selected Hillary Clinton to be their party's nominee.
Hillary's nomination is not only a historic first in that a women was nominated for President but historic in that Liberals simultaneously nominated a woman that by her own admission is a pathological liar. She is a self centered, egotistical, corrupt, crooked individual who lacks good judgment, who has no experience other than incompetence, put our National Security at risk and is a possible murderer or accomplice through her negligence in Benghazi. (Unfortunately, she is immune from prosecution on the later)
The evidence of her guilt is undeniable, overwhelming and self admitted. She's put our country's national security at risk with her non-authorized and insecure email server. Admittedly, she lied both to the country and the families of dead heroes defending our Embassy in Benghazi that a video, seen by less than 1,200 people, was the cause of the attack and deaths at our Embassy. She outright lied when saying she was NOT under investigation by the FBI. As an attorney she damn well knows that the moment the FBI is involved, their actions by deninition, can ONLY be a criminal investigation and NOT a routine review of her tenure as Secretary of State. Her actions here alone were criminal if not outright treasonous.
We could go on add infinitum regarding her culpable negligence, lying, corruption, incompetence, lack of commonsense, inability to lead and make sound decisions or her utter lack of a track record for success and/or experience needed to lead this failing country.
This women should not be allowed to hold the office of dog catcher let alone President of the United States.
Should she be elected she will cause total devastation to the existence and security of the Country. These results will be squarely on the head and shoulders of Democrats, liberals and progressives who will have betrayed their friends, families, fellow American's and the Country.