Why is it that every government Entitlement program is invariably proposed and passed during a Depression or deep Recession in our country and oddly enough under progressive, liberal Democratic administrations.
Social Security, Welfare, Medicare and Medicaid, government work programs, Un-employment benefits and the all too famous Income Tax where all initiated, proposed and/or passed, over the past 75 years, under the Democratic administrations of Franklin D Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, Carter and now Health Care Reform under Obama.
In many cases these ideas and programs where spawned out of both government and legislators desperation to justify their worth and ability to provide immediate relief from the agony of the depressions. They quickly passed legislation with the promise the programs they enacted would insure the peoples future while preventing against another depression or economic catastrophe.
In retrospect, one can safely say that, none of their promises have been kept nor have any of the created programs worked. In fact both Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid are facing bankruptcy today. Why should any American today believe anything government is promising for our future, protection or quality of health and life. They keep giving us the same story with a different spin but with the same old results; failure and more taxes.
We can only assume the passage of these worthless types of legislation is attributable to over zealous lawmakers with a self serving agenda to expand both their roles and the role of government in controlling the American people.
Their intentions and agenda's are self evident in thier repeated actions. They repeatedly take advantage of the American peoples time of weakness and desperation by seizing the opportunity to pass massive and costly entitlement legislation which, they could never have accomplished in a strong economic environment. And every time they do so its under the fear of emergency or catastrophic loss and the guise of saving money or insuring our future in the statement "its for the of the Good of the People". Bullshit!!!
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