For years now both the Republican and Democratic Party's have been touting the Independent American voter on the disasters of voting for a 3rd party candidate. Their contention has always been that, in voting for the third party candidate, you would split the vote on one of the their parties candidates resulting in the election of the least desirable candidate of the competing two major parties. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, when you think about it, that's a conceitedly brazen statement in that only their two candidates are qualified and trustworthy to hold office. This is nothing more than a scare tactic, used by both parties on their respective registered supporters and independents, forcing voters into casting their ballot for their parties candidate, instead of the RIGHT candidate for the job. Its our responsibility and obligation to vote for the best possible candidate for the job not for the best party and/or ideology. We must stop the two major parties from using our election process as a sporting event between two opposing teams in which one team must win. Our choices as to who will run our Country and be entrusted to protect our Life, Liberties and Freedoms should never be narrowed down and determined purely by the outcome of two competing parties and ideologies.
Lets be honest with ourselves. We have been listening and following this rhetoric for years and where has it gotten us today? A government of corrupt and extremely powerful career party politicians who have adopted an elitist attitude whereby only they know what is best for the people & our Country. This practice has allowed our legislators to obtain so much power and become so brazen that they now pass laws in defiance of the very Constitution they took an oath to uphold. Now, once again, they threaten to pass Healthcare legislation that not only is un-constitutional but in direct opposition to an overwhelming majority of American voters.
Well now is time for us to stop this trend of Party Flip Flop for the sake of change. Every time we've done this it has come back to haunt us. We ultimately seem to wind up with the same old result and problem, a different party in power but with the same old political party hacks and ideology. Where in the Constitution is it written that we must only have a two party system. We need to stop this practice. We need to breakdown the exclusive two party system. We need to find and support new qualified candidates regardless of their party. We must elect our new independent candidates wherever possible to serve alongside the current two parties to bring checks and balance to our executive and legislative process. We are entitled to representation by the individuals, not parties, that we elect to office and who shares our views and ideology. An individual who will vote the will of his constituents not just the ideology and principles of his or her party, who at the moment, happen to be in majority. After all, our original Founders where not men of parties but individual servants of the people they represented and to the government they created.
So in reality, when it comes to splitting the vote, the two party's are only concerned with one thing, not splitting the vote on a particular candidates election but splitting the amount of money, power and control that will be held between the two parties to force their will and ideologies on the American People.
Now, more than ever before in our country's history, and certainly not since Abraham Lincoln ran on a new a third party ticket to be called the Republican Party, has an Independent candidate had a better chance of winning an election. How is this possible. Simple! Right now Independent voters represent approximately 47% of the votes in the country today. Combine this number with the numerous disgruntled Republicans and Democrats, who have recently declared themselves as independents, this number increases to over 56% of the voters in America. So how do we keep from splitting the vote on one of the two party candidates? Again simple. We stand our ground, vote our convictions not our party and all cast our vote for the Independent candidate wherever possible. Last I checked, 51% of the vote, and in most cases less, usually wins an election. Now of course we are making the assumption that this candidate meets all of our criteria for a qualified and trustworthy candidate with common sense. Otherwise, we look at the remaining two party candidates, apply our set of principles and criteria to the candidate and again cast our vote.
The most important overriding issue for any of us to consider before voting is not the candidates party but the Individual. Voting the straight party line will only continue to strengthen the legislators power over the people and exacerbate the problem in Washington to the point where the American people may only have one last alternative to protect our inalienable rights and liberties.
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Taking Control of Government 2010