Since debate on the health reform bill began in the Senate at the end of last month, Obama and Senators have made over 150 false claims in their attempt to "pass" healthcare reform at all costs and in opposition to a strong majority of American voters.
It should be noted that presently there is NO FINAL HEALTHCARE BILL. At present the American public has nothing more than two version of a potential bill. The Congress version and that of the Senate. Both these bills must be modified and consolidated into a final version that can be approved. In that vein none of the Obama administration nor the democrats in either house are able to tell us what the final bill will provide in coverage, costs, savings, tax increases or cuts nor the future of Medicare and Medicaid.
One thing that we can assure everyone is that the proposed bill is unconstitutional, will cost twice as much as projected by the CBO, will be government run, government will eventually bankrupt the healthcare system as it has Medicare and will ultimately bankrupt our country in-turn threatening our National Security.
The below list of links are those from the Democratic Party's Website attacking Republican Senators comments regarding their opposition or views of the possible adverse results created by the Democrats version of a Healthcare Reform Bill which, Democrats REFUSE to openly debate. We initially intended to comment on each statement separately, however, in reviewing each of the so-called FACTS of FALSE STATEMENTS and lengthily party rebuttals, we will give a blanket assessment on the 181 Fact Checks to date. All future Fact Check's by the Democrats will be reviewed and posted with our rebuttal.
After careful review of each we have reached the conclusion that the Democratic Party has intentionally taken out of context, skewed or misrepresented the Republican Senators statements or some cases no longer applicable because of shifting changes in the proposed bill(s). They further presented, in most cases, a list of rebuttals from individuals, organizations, educational institutions or economists that are in fact completely aligned with the Obama Administration. In our opinion these groups and individuals severely lack the financial and/or business background and expertise or the common sense necessary to dispel any falsehoods in these statements. In FACT, most of their rebuttals are in themselves FALSE FACTS, distortions or misrepresentations.
BOTTOM LINE: Obama and Democrats will distort, slant, spin, twist, name call or say anything they think the American people want or need to hear regardless of its accuracy when it comes to passing this bill. This is NOT the way a responsible President or lawmakers should act. As the old saying goes "Thou dust profess too much" seems to readily apply when it comes to the Obama and Democratic Healthcare Bill. In other words, THE BILL IS A SHAM! Solely being implemented and forced down our throats to serve the needs of a few and government in its need for control and power over the people. We pray this bill never gets passed.
December 23, 2009 - On the Senate floor just now, Senator Crapo made several incorrect statements on health reform. Please see below for a fact check. RHETORIC: Sen. Crapo Continues Tired Fear-Mongering - Claimed Reform Would Raise Taxes On Middle Class, Increase Premiums, Cut...
December 23, 2009 - On the Senate floor just now, Senator Hutchison said Americans should make no mistake: there will be "unsustainable cuts to Medicare." But Senator Hutchison is wrong -- on Medicare, jobs, and taxes. See below for a fact check. RHETORIC: Before Launching...
December 23, 2009 - On the Senate floor just now, Senator Bond misrepresented the effects of health reform on small businesses, jobs, and taxes. Please see below for a fact check. RHETORIC: Sen. Bond Claimed Health Reform Bill Would Raise Taxes, Cost Jobs. “The...
December 22, 2009 - Please see below for a fact check on comments made just now by Senator Cornyn on CNN, ignoring the benefits of reform and instead spreading mistruths on Medicare savings: RHETORIC: Cornyn Said That The Bill Would Cut Medicare By...
December 22, 2009 - Please see below for a fact check on comments just made on the Senate floor by Senator Risch, falsely stating that reform would cut Medicare benefits when, in fact, reform would strengthen Medicare: RHETORIC: Risch Said That The Senate...
December 22, 2009 - Please see below for a fact check on comments made just a few moments ago on FOX News by Senator Cornyn, erroneously claiming that Medicare savings cut benefits when in fact they strengthen Medicare: RHETORIC: Cornyn Said That The Senate...
December 21, 2009 - Please see below for a fact check on false claims made by Senator Burr on the Senate floor today on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act today: RHETORIC: Burr Said That The Coburn/Burr-Sponsored Patients' Choice Act Was "Real Reform."...
December 21, 2009 - Please see below for a fact check on false claims made by Senator DeMint on the Senate floor today on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act today: RHETORIC: DeMint Said That The Senate Health Care Bill Cuts Medicare....
December 21, 2009 - Please see below for a fact check on false claims made by Senator Gregg on the Senate floor today on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act today: RHETORIC: Gregg Said That The Senate Health Care Plan Would Drive Us...
December 21, 2009 - Please see below for a fact check on false claims made by Senator Thune on the Senate floor today on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act today: RHETORIC: Thune Said That The "Experts" And "Umpires" Say That The Senate...
December 21, 2009 - Please see below for a fact check on false claims made by Senator Barrasso on the Senate floor today on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act today: RHETORIC: Barrasso Said That The Senate Health Care Bill Would Add $1...
December 20, 2009 - Moments ago on the floor of the U.S. Senate, Senator Cornyn repeated debunked claims regarding the Patient Protection and Affordability Act he made this morning on Fox News Sunday: Sen. Cornyn Said that Health Reform “Cuts A Half A Trillion...
December 20, 2009 - This evening on the floor of the U.S. Senate, Senator Enzi repeats debunked lies that health insurance reform will increase deficit, costs jobs, and cut Medicare benefits. See fact check below: RHETORIC: Senator Enzi Claimed That The Senate Health Reform...
December 20, 2009 - Moments ago on the U.S. Senate floor, Senator Robert Bennett downplayed the immediate impact of the health insurance reform currently being debated. See the fact check below: RHETORIC: Senator Bennett (R-UT) Downplayed The Immediate Impacts of Health Reform Legislation, Saying...
December 20, 2009 - Earlier this evening on the floor of the U.S. Senate, Senator Jeff Sessions made false claims that the health insurance bill currently being debated would increase health insurance premiums and cost $2.5 trillion. See below the fact check: RHETORIC: Senator...
December 20, 2009: FACT CHECK #166: More lies from Kyle about Medicare, Medicare Advantage and Taxes
December 20, 2009:" http:="" onclick=", '', 'resizable=no,status=no,location=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,fullscreen=no,scrollbars=no,dependent=no'); return false;""">FACT CHECK #158: BOEHNER: Deftly Lists GOP Lies in One Lung Busting Sentence
December 19, 2009: FACT CHECK #157: McConnell: Misleading Medicaid Claims and More Premiums, Spending Lies
December 18, 2009: FACT CHECK #156: HUTCHISON: Highlighting Republican Obstructionism
December 16, 2009: FACT CHECK #155: BOEHNER: Misleading The American People About What's In The Bill
December 16, 2009: FACT CHECK #154: McCAIN: Boisterous rhetoric running away from facts and logic
December 16, 2009: Fact Check #153 - Hatch: Wrong on Cost
December 15, 2009: FACT CHECK # 152: HUTCHISON: Wrong on costs, benefits for small businesses
December 15, 2009: FACT CHECK #151 - CORNYN: Crocodile Tears About Bipartisan Process
December 15, 2009: FACT CHECK #150 - THUNE: Denying Small Business The Reform They Would Benefit From
December 15, 2009: FACT CHECK #149 - KYL: Wrong About Cuts To Medicare And Higher Premiums
December 14, 2009: Fact Check #148 - Ensign: Misleading On Medicare Advantage
December 14, 2009: Fact Check #147 - Hatch: Attacking A Bipartisan Idea
December 14, 2009: FACT CHECK #146: THUNE: Benefits for small businesses
December 14, 2009: Fact Check #145: ALEXANDER: Opposing Reform Hurts States Governments
December 14, 2009: FACT CHECK #144: KYL: Didn't get the GOP Stall Tactics Memo
December 14, 2009: Fact Check #143 - Gregg: Wrong On Cost
December 13, 2009: FACT CHECK # 142 - Burr: Still spreading lies about Medicare
December 13, 2009: FACT CHECK # 141 - Grassley: Wrong about impact on state budgets
December 13, 2009: FACTCHECK #140 - Kyl: Continues to mislead on taxes
December 13, 2009: FACT CHECK # 139 - McConnell: Are you serious?
December 13, 2009: FACT CHECK # 138 - Gregg: New Day, Same Lies
December 13, 2009: FACT CHECK # 137 - Thune: Wrong on Costs
December 12, 2009: FACT CHECK #136 - Thune: The Real Cost Of Reform
December 12, 2009: FACT CHECK # 135 - Hatch goes back to the same old tune
December 12, 2009: FACT CHECK #134 - Murkowski: Wrong On Reform
December 12, 2009: FACT CHECK #133: Grassley: Misleading On Providers
December 12, 2009: FACT CHECK #132: McConnell: Wrong On The CMS Report
December 11, 2009: FACT CHECK #131 - Brownback: Strengthening The Medicare Trust Fund
December 11, 2009: FACT CHECK #130 - Lemieux: Wrongly Citing The CMS Report
December 11, 2009: FACT CHECK #129: McCAIN and ROBERTS: Time to re-read the CMS report
December 11, 2009: FACT CHECK #128: GREGG: Cherry-Picking Report Findings
December 11, 2009: FACT CHECK #127: McCAIN: Twisting the truth
December 11, 2009: FACT CHECK #126 - HUTCHISON: Ignoring The Benefits Of Reform For Small Business
December 11, 2009: FACT CHECK #125: BARRASSO: Propagating unfounded fears
December 10, 2009: FACT CHECK #124: GRASSLEY: Hypocrisy on taxes
December 10, 2009: FACT CHECK #123: BOND: Could not be more wrong
December 10, 2009: FACT CHECK #122: ENZI: Bipartisanship
December 9, 2009: FACT CHECK #121: THUNE: Making up numbers
December 9, 2009: FACT CHECK #120: CRAPO: Has it all wrong
December 9, 2009: FACT CHECK #119: KYL: Fighting Against Health Insurance Reform And Job Creation
December 9, 2009: FACT CHECK #118: CORNYN: Invoking the IRS to Scare Americans
December 9, 2009: FACT CHECK #117: ENSIGN: Wrong on cost
December 9, 2009: FACT CHECK #116 - JOHANNS: Wrong On Medicaid Expansion
December 8, 2009: FACT CHECK #115: Crapo: The Cost Of Reform
December 8, 2009: FACT CHECK #114: HATCH: Abortion Prohibition
December 8, 2009: FACT CHECK# 113: CORNYN AND MCCAIN: Wrong on Medicare
December 8, 2009: FACT CHECK #112 - McConnell: Health Reform And Job Creators
December 7, 2009: FACT CHECK #111 - Cornyn: Health Reform and Jobs
December 7, 2009: FACT CHECK #110 - Sessions: Medicare Solvency
December 7, 2009: FACT CHECK #108 - ENZI: CBO Double-Talk
December 7, 2009: FACT CHECK #105 - GREGG: Government Expansion
December 7, 2009: FACT CHECK #104 - ALEXANDER: Fearmongering on Medicare
December 6, 2009: FACT CHECK #103 - SESSIONS: Yes Mr. Senator, it can be disputed
December 6, 2009: FACT CHECK #102 - GRASSLEY : Scare Tactics
December 6, 2009: FACT CHECK #101 - GRASSLEY: I think we've heard this one before...
December 6, 2009: FACT CHECK #100 - THUNE: Costs
December 6, 2009: FACT CHECK GREGG: Medicare Cuts
December 6, 2009: FACT CHECK McCONNELL: Medicare
December 6, 2009: FACT CHECK CORNYN: Medicare and Small Business
December 5, 2009: FACT CHECK COBURN AND KYL: PCA Distortions
December 5, 2009: FACT CHECK KYL: Medical Malpractice Reform
December 5, 2009: FACT CHECK ENSIGN: Misleading On "Government-Takeover"
December 5, 2009: FACT CHECK BROWNBACK: Medicare Advantage Savings
December 5, 2009: FACT CHECK MURKOWSKI: We're With The CBO, Senator
December 5, 2009: FACT CHECK CHAMBLISS: That's the point, Senator
December 5, 2009: FACT CHECK BENNETT: A Credible Source? We Think Not.
December 5, 2009: FACT CHECK HATCH: Abortion Scare-mongering
December 5, 2009: FACT CHECK MCCONNELL: Medicare Scare Tactics
December 4, 2009: FACT CHECK GRASSLEY: Jobs and Health Care Reform
December 4, 2009: FACT CHECK ROBERTS: Medicare
December 4, 2009: FACT CHECK DeMINT: Different Day, Same Lies on Health Reform
December 4, 2009: FACT CHECK JOHANNS: Are you serious?
December 4, 2009: FACT CHECK GRASSLEY: Hypocrisy on Medicare Advantage
December 4, 2009: FACT CHECK KYL: Misguided on Medicare Solvency
December 4, 2009: FACT CHECK GREGG: Wrong on cost and Medicare spending
December 4, 2009: FACT CHECK: Guess who proposed $150 billion in Medicare Advantage"Cuts?"
December 4, 2009: FACT CHECK VITTER: Mammogram accessability
December 4, 2009: FACT CHECK McCONNELL: As Health Reform Moves Forward, GOP Offers Tired Distortions
December 2, 2009: FACT CHECK ENSIGN: All wrong on mammograms
December 2, 2009: FACT CHECK HATCH: GOP stall tactics in full view
December 2, 2009: FACT CHECK ENZI: Wrong on rationing care
December 2, 2009: FACT CHECK COBURN: Spreading unfounded fear on government take-over and rationing
December 2, 2009: FACT CHECK GREGG AND HATCH: Making up numbers, defending lies on Medicare
December 2, 2009: FACT CHECK CORNYN: Broken record on Medicare solvency
December 2, 2009: FACT CHECK CORKER: Misguided on Medicare solvency
December 2, 2009: FACT CHECK HATCH: Flat wrong on provider protections
December 2, 2009: FACT CHECK GRASSLEY: CBO says the exact opposite
December 2, 2009: FACT CHECK BROWNBACK: Defending Insurers, Not Kansans
December 2, 2009: FACT CHECK KYL: Spreading fear on Medicare
December 1, 2009: FACT CHECK SESSIONS: Deficits
December 1, 2009: FACT CHECK BUNNING: Government-Run Health Care
December 1, 2009: FACT CHECK HUTCHISON AND CORNYN: Texas Sized Whopper
December 1, 2009: FACT CHECK BARRASSO: Repeating False Claims On Health Reform
December 1, 2009: FACT CHECK MCCAIN: Continued Hypocrisy On Medicare
December 1, 2009: FACT CHECK COBURN: Scaring America's Seniors
December 1, 2009: FACT CHECK KYL: Medicare Distortions
December 1, 2009: FACT CHECK MCCONNELL: deja vu all over again
November 30, 2009: FACT CHECK ENZI: A call for bipartisanship?
November 30, 2009: FACT CHECK KYL: More Scare-Tactics On Rationing
November 30, 2009: FACT CHECK GRASSLEY: Grassley Contradicts Grassley
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