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Historic President: significant changes we can do without!

BettyJean Downing : August 06, 2011

We are told to be proud of electing the first Black president because that demonstrates America is not a racist country. Ok we did that! And all we managed to accomplish, much like implementing affirmative action, is that while we are no longer a racist country – we are a majority of stupid liberals suffering from white guilt. What a way to pick the leader of the free world!

We made history with this guy alright; here we are breaking all records the least of which was electing a half black man. President Obama’s $4.4 trillion in deficit spending. We have spent more money in credit vouchers per day every day than ever in history, we are deeper in debt then ever in history, we accomplished less in any 2 years with an all Democrat Party in full control of all three branches and yet never passed a budget in those 2 years, and without belaboring the lack of hope of change he ran on, created more animus between and among Americans than I have seen in my lifetime.

No other candidate of color has ever used the race card to this degree or created racial tensions within our communities just for the hell of it. No other administration has created this chaos between the rich and the poor.  Turning Americans one against the other all over the nation became commonplace, voting became brawling and talking politics became a gang fight. Town meetings were practically banned, culminating in actually calling grassroots Americans, Astroturf and labeling them “The Mob”.

This borrow and spend crazy, socialist takes no responsibility for his actions, and insists he wants even more of our tax dollars for his extravagant lifestyle. Yes his predecessor was a jerk, and for a while he could blame Bush for leaving him a mess but wasn’t that part of what he promised he was coming to change? He even said,

 “If I can’t fix it in 3 years then maybe 1 term in all I deserve”.

I agree!  Now unfortunately for Japan and Europe, he has others to blame for his failure to accomplish his goals and demands 4 more years to completely destroy our economy! No thanks Mr. President – You will not get any more money from me – you have a bad credit rating! 

Historically speaking, he has done enough to earn his place in the books but I doubt he will be remembered in the way he predicted. He will never get his face on the mountain or on so much as our penny,  

Obama: McCain Trying to Scare You Because “I Don’t Look Like the Other Presidents on the currency” July 30, 2008 

Instead history will show a failure! This week Obama presides over a United States whose credit rating that has been downgraded for the first time in history! Great Job Mr. President!

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