Leadership and Politics
April 30, 2010 Update
2010 candidates and voters are consumed with finger pointing ...copy and pasting quotes by popular political 'idols' ... attacking Obama and problems with the current administration's policies ...counting the days until November ... but other than getting control back to a sinking ship ...no one talks about what will a new leadership ...or return to another failed leadership bring to the table to deal with the realities America now faces, or how to move forward in the midst of global crisis.
Leadership has been described as the “process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task”.
'Social influence' occurs when an individual's thoughts or actions are affected by other people. Social influence takes many forms and can be seen in conformity, socialization, peer pressure, obedience, leadership, persuasion, sales, and marketing.
Psychological manipulation is a type of social influence that aims to change the perception or behavior of others through underhanded, unfair tactics. By advancing only the interests of the manipulator, often at another's expense.
Such methods could be considered exploitative, abusive, devious, and deceptive.
The Science of Politics and Manipulation
Special and corporate interests behind hand picked elected officials in both State and Federal governments know and understand the vulnerabilities and psychology of voters better than voters themselves.
Research polls such as Rasmussen, Gallup and Polling Report, Inc., (often contracted by special and corporate interests) and focus groups seek statistics on public opinion to provide insights and advantage to special interests who want to control policy and direction in Washington by manipulating American voters through well scripted campaign rhetoric, ads, and images to elect politicians that will best serve their agendas rather than the people they are sworn to serve.
In exactly the same way advertisers manipulate consumers to buy brands and labels, candidates are packaged and branded to lead a vulnerable and unwitting majority of voters by their noses to get a candidate in positions of government that will have the greatest influence to carry out their agendas.
High Stakes
Analysts continue researching the phenomena of the 2008 election campaign and current administration.
So high are the stakes ...hundreds of millions of dollars allegedly traced to special and corporate interests, were spent on essentially 'branding' a candidate with no leadership experience beyond 'community organizer' and five words:'Hope', 'Change', and 'Yes We Can' to manipulate a majority of American voters to overcome even highly seasoned and qualified candidates within the Democratic Party such as Hillary Rodham Clinton.
The Founding Fathers of the United States of America, understood tyranny, corruption, and manipulation well enough, to create a system of government and democracy on fundamental and moral principles with checks and balances to ensure that the interests and rights of 'We the People' were protected by those elected and sworn to serve despite differences and difficult times of depression and war.
'Democracy' is a political government either carried out directly by the people (direct democracy) or by means of elected representatives of the people (Representative democracy).'
'The Constitution of the United States of America is the supreme law of the United States. It is the foundation and source of the legal authority underlying the existence of the United States of America and the federal government of the United States.'
So powerful is the Constitutional right and freedom to choose representatives to best serve the interests of the American public, that until such rights are removed as in non democratic nations, special interests and agendas not in the best interest of 'We the People' have no legal alternative other than invest in the manipulation and influence of the American public through packaging, branding and scripting candidates.
Despite the Constitutional separation of powers, the American public remains critically vulnerable to psychological manipulation by self serving interests who will stop at nothing including corruption, deception, and intimidation to undermine the Constitutional rights and freedoms of Americans that still remain unaffected, to further agendas not in the best interest and security of the United States.
2010-2012 Elections
Americans are waking up to the reality of just how vulnerable they are.
Major issues such as a second wave of mortgage defaults and foreclosures analysts say will hit the economy this year while wild cards such as Iran, Israel, North Korea, positioning amongst global powers (due to a pandering administration and weaker America) and natural disasters, have already set the stage for 2010 to be a roller coaster.
As stated in the House Divided Speech given by Abraham Lincoln which contains the quotation" A house divided against itself cannot stand," which is taken from Matthew 12:25: "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand."
...and a similar line spoken in a letter from Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren. In remarking about the war she goes on to say:
"....A house divided upon itself- and upon that foundation do our enemies build their hopes of subduing us." Abigail Adams
There is nothing that the special interests discussed in this context would like to see more than for America to self destruct over divisions and distractions orchestrated by representatives on both sides of the isle and special interests themselves, America's enemies (foreign and domestic)
'We the People' are in no position to squander the next two elections regardless of issues that have have Americans nearly equally divided to near boiling point.
The 2010 and 2012 elections are life or death for America. These elections are not about Republican, Democrat, liberal, conservatives or who whines the loudest winning...
Its either 'We the People' or the end of America as we know it;
...and, Its either 'We the People' or the enemy, (not opposing issues) that win.
Stakes are high for all sides!
In the months ahead, The People of America must be united on every step as Abraham Lincoln understood and quoted at a time of civil war in America Matthew 12:25: "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand."
As each day passes we are beginning to realize ...America is faced with a real threat of a real enemy. America's enemies and 'special interests' working to undermine and control the American people want just that.
Their interests are not your health, children, or your children's future but control or destruction.
In two more recent posts:
...The Endrun Project focuses on who the enemy is, why, and how to effectively overcome the dangers threatening America's future.
Well intentioned Americans now press for the November elections in hopes of cleaning house.
Do not underestimate the evil behind the events unfolding in America. In the Midst of Evil , the battle for America's future is not without the risk of the opposition doing whatever it takes for the power behind the Obama agenda to REMAIN IN POWER.
...make no mistake... there are going to be attempts by the opposition to insight civil unrest for reasons later discussed in this post. Do not assume there are NOT plants in the crowds.
Already, there are racial and anti-gay slurs being thrown around. How does anyone know they are not from Acorn, Communists, Jihad, or Nazi groups bent on destroying America?
Better to be hyper-vigilant than blindsided!
2010 is a dangerous year on many fronts. There has been speculation by many for months, that preparations for a state of emergency and 'executive order and declaration of martial law have been underway in anticipation of civil unrest.
Martial law if imposed would change the rules of the game for all Americans and halt November elections leaving current runaway government agendas unstoppable.
Even as this post is being circulated, the Arizona Immigration Law just passed is stirring up passions and potential for violence ... exactly what the enemy wants.
There are people on both sides of American issues who are capable of crossing a line which could affect American liberty.
"....A house divided upon itself- and upon that foundation do our enemies build their hopes of subduing us." Abigail Adams
As determined as President Obama and others are to push through their agendas, ...do not underestimate the desire and capability to subdue the nation. They are looking for any excuse... do not give in to it!
This is no game!
Though it may be humorous to America's enemies that once again ...American voters and candidates from both sides are turning an election into a parade of chaos ...it will be pathetic if Americans have lost all common sense and wisdom and blow these elections ...freedom, democracy, and America's very existence is on the table with no room for error.
From the outside looking in, politics does more to create problems than solve them. MAYBE ...the
reason why the current administration and bipartisan corruption openly defies the will of the people
is that Washington itself is the problem ...that rather than political ideology ...(right, left,
conservative, liberal,progressive, or what label one clings to) We the People need to focus on reality
rather than politics ...and MAYBE ...why the cesspool in Washington remains and The World is
moving on everyone sees that but We the People...
How do YOU feel?