LEAN being the times Americans will face, MEAN is the method of implementation of great hardship on America, and GREEN is the radical environmental agenda sold to the world as the shill to implement the aforementioned two. Green also relates to the vast billions that a hierarchy of global elites plans to pocket specifically from Americans. So, why is President Barack Obama so obstinately determined to get his versions of Health Care and Cap-and-Trade into law over the overwhelming objection of Americans?
President Obama insists that America must be “transformed.” The President’s educational mentor, Saul Alinsky, writes that in order to gain true power to make those “transformational changes,” you must first “destroy the middle class.” That includes small businesses, farmers, elimination of individual rights and property rights, nationalizing land to protect the environment and nature, abandoning a Constitution that protects the people from tyranny, and retaining power at any cost. There also must be mass redistribution of wealth. Legislation must be enacted to bend the people to the will of government, specifically through “mandates” in Health Care and Cap-and-Trade, all of which will be enforced by fines and penalties of imprisonment. Heavy regulations are to be enforced on corporations and people alike to reduce carbon emissions. This all-too-familiar formula to regulate and control populations, pointedly Americans, appears right out of Barack Obama’s playbook. It summarizes the Progressive ideology that originated with the President -- Obama’s transformation of America by his own design, right?
Wrong. It is also the blueprint set out in the “Green Charter” of the United Nations whose goal is to redistribute global wealth in order to control energy, population and power. Is it mere coincidence that Obama appears in lockstep with the U.N.’s agenda to subjugate Americans to international law and global mandates? Congress knows the plan. Members of both parties have signed on to it. A courageous few members of Congress are rising to stand against it. They rise up only because the people of this great nation are themselves rising up. This war began before most Americans knew we were engaged in it. Under attack is the sovereignty of America as a Constitution based, free market society that imbues both personal and property rights to its citizens. Forces against the American Republic have increasingly gained power over the course of the last 80+ years and now stand ready to strike a lethal blow.
Clearly, for the U.N.’s Green Charter to work (under U.N. Agenda 21), Americans must come under the jack-boot regulations of Health Care and Cap-and-Trade legislation that, when enacted, will destroy the American economy. The U.N.’s goal is for Americans to use less energy, water, food supply and other natural resources that can be shifted to the third world. That the President’s agenda appears aligned with the U.N. indicates a higher calling for the President beyond America’s best interest. For the most part, the U.N. is supported politically primarily by third world dictators, Arab nations, and international players, such as George Soros, who know if you can control energy and health, you control everything.
This socialist-globalist agenda also explains a great deal about the people with whom the President surrounds himself. Obama’s handpicked appointments include his initial “Green Jobs Czar,” Van Jones, a self-described communist who held powerful oversight as “green jobs” advisor to the President. A 9/11 Truther, Jones advocated redistribution of wealth and accused “white polluters” of steering poison into minority communities. Obama’s Manufacturing Czar Ron Bloom states, “We agree with [Communist Dictator] Mao that power comes largely from the barrel of the gun” and “We know that the free market is nonsense.” Obama chose Diversity/Media Czar Mark Lloyd who openly admired Hugo Chavez’ socialist revolution in Venezuela. Czar Cass Sunstein wrote a radical environmental view that “animals could be plaintiffs and sue humans in court,” Science Czar John Holdren wrote of putting steralents in drinking water to control human population, political strategist Anita Dunne claims irony when she stated Communist Dictator Mao (who killed millions to stay in power) was “one of her favorite political philosophers.” There is globalist Harold Koh, Obama’s Chief Council at the State Department who represents the U.S. in matters of international law. Koh has reportedly stated a preference for the international rule of law over the U.S. Constitution, whereby Americans and the American military would be tried in international court for violations. Koh, meanwhile, entertained the possibility of Shariah (Islamic) Law’s place in America’s legal system. Then, there is the President’s political ally and Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, who has said on-camera that he considers the 1stAmendment to the Constitution that guarantees freedom of speech and freedom of religion “to be highly over rated.” The list goes on. Putting people in power with communist, socialist and globalist backgrounds indicates to Americans that maybe this President’s motives are not pure.
From average citizens to news analysts, Americans are puzzled by the inexplicable. Americans are perplexed at how the Obama administration finds unprecedented ways to drain the U.S. treasury, while on-camera the President declares straight-faced, “We have to finds ways to cut spending.” Unable to contain the waste and corruption erupting out of his own current TARP and Stimulus plans, how can Obama be trusted to track down half a trillion dollars in Medicare fraud? If he turns a blind-eye to reports that TARP money, that was to be returned to tax payers, is reportedly being used as campaign slush funds to elect members of his own party – can he be taken at face value? This president, in reality, is not a chameleon though he seemingly changes at will. He has a goal. Is Obama’s desired legacy to be the President, the consequential historical figure that “changed America,” unhinged it from its founding…no matter the consequences? In the face of this “change,” Americans need to do a lot more than “hope.”
LEAN, MEAN& “GREEN”: Takedown of America
A radical environmentalist of the 1700s wrote in theTemple of Nature that man should eye with tenderness all living forms, including…his brother-ants and sister-worms. That man was Erasmus Darwin, a virulent anti-Christian Pantheist who was grandfather to Charles Darwin. As revealed in the book, Darwin’s Racists – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (http://www.DarwinsRacists.com) -- influenced by his grandfather’s writings, Darwin conceived the theory of evolution. It is a “theory” that replaces God as Creator and worships the god of nature or natural selection. It is hardcore environmentalism and is being taught in schools across America today.
Indoctrination by environmentalist in America’s schools is girded by Darwin’s “theory” of nature, which continues today to lack empirical scientific data to support it as fact. Yet, as with global warming, advocates like to insist that the debate is over. Though man-made global warming is heavily tainted with fraud, the United Nations and radical environmentalists are now desperate to discredit the scandal that discredited their “scientific data” as a scam. But, the word is out making it a hard sale even to the most gullible. Nonetheless, hundreds of millions of dollars, donated to the U.N., are funneled into school systems to indoctrinate students in support of Climate Change. Persuading or frightening young minds is vital, because much is as stake.
The U.N.’s Green Charter, based on a radical environmental agenda reliant on “global panic,” seeks to transfer world power to a world body, such as the U.N. It sets out to “redistribute global wealth” from the wealthier nations, such as America, to less developed nations. It advocates creating “green jobs” through abandoning coal, oil and gas in favor of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar. It seeks to elevate the rights and protections of animals, fish and insects in their natural habitat above that of humans. It seeks to nationalize lands and seize personal property, including farmlands.
The strategy to take down America, as we know it, is spelled out in the U.N.’s Green Charter. Crucial to the Green Charter’s goal to accommodate underdeveloped countries is to overhaul, to effect a “change,” to America’s system of government and economic prominence. In short, Americans’ hard work, innovation, creativity and initiative undermine countries that have not kept up. Those who support the U.N.’s Green Charter seek to dissolve individual rights through health care regulations, to control and allocate energy resources to individuals through government control via mechanisms like Cap-and-Trade, to control individual ownership and rights to property through processes like imminent domain, and take control of middle class lifestyles involving food intake, health decisions, size of families, use of appliances, use of air conditioning at home and at work, and restrict single family housing in favor of a stack-and-pack plan.
The Green Charter warns that America’s “refusal to act now on global warming would represent a crime against present and future generations.” In other words, America would be considered a criminal enterprise if it did not respond to the threat of man-made global warming. The ecological fly in that ointment, however, is the damning revelation of climate-gate’s bogus data. It should be noted that the U.N.’s Green Charter as drafted at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 was a guideline for Al Gore’s documentary film, “An Inconvenient Truth.” The Rio Earth Summit demanded that industrialized nations must ante up 600 billion dollars to underdeveloped countries as penance for their sin against nature and the environment. If history is any indication, accountability for and application of the $600 billion may easily disappear through the sieve of the U.N.’s notoriously inbred corruption. World power is the bottom line, a Teutonic shift to take down America as a dominant economic leader to a nation answerable to the demands of concentrated global control in the hands of an elite few. That the U.N.’s Green Charter consists of an almost identical blueprint as Barack Obama’s Health Care and Cap-and-Trade plans is undeniable and highly problematical.
Consider that members of Congress may need to be bribed or promised sought-out committee appointments or comfortable ambassadorships to accomplish the deconstructing of America. The President has taken action that weakens both Congress and his Cabinet’s relevance vis-à-vis his power-laden Czars. That he already “ignores” the very Constitution he swore to uphold, seems to be lost on members of Congress as they jostle for bones being tossed by the White House. The success of the U.N.’s Green Charter (available online) is based on Climate Change, control of energ0y0 resources and control of health care. It diminishes America’s power and surrenders it to global interests.
Every one of us is an environmentalist who wants cleaner air and cleaner water for all people who share the globe. But, Americans recognize a scam, even one of global proportions, especially when they are the primary target. That our multi-national companies and leaders in the upper echelons of our government are positioning themselves 2-in at the expense of American liberty and sovereignty is a crime against this great nation and the people who have worked and died to build and protect it. America did not elect a president to oversee its decline.
By Sharon Sebastian – Website: http://www.DarwinsRacists.com