Black Americans should be outraged. The affront by the liberal-left against American citizens who are black is reaching new heights. The pattern is obvious. When liberal Democrats cannot debate or win a policy argument, they play their last vestige of hope - the race-card. Today, the political stakes are so high for some Democrats that they are willing to divide us as a nation and as a people.
When there is panic in the liberal ranks, like clockwork, the ginning-up of racial dissension soon follows. In an effort to counter a growing national support for the Tea Party, Democrats are slandering patriotic Americans as "racists." Black Americans should be outraged that once again liberals are portraying them as being an easily agitated "bundle of emotions" without brains enough to see through the left's political manipulation. For decades, liberals have conveyed the message that American Blacks are driven by emotion, not intelligence and can be flicked on-and-off like a switch just by throwing around the term racist.
Since the Democrats seek to avoid rational thought, some should be offered up. What the liberal-left does not want you to know is that more and more people of color are identifying with the Tea Party movement along with most Americans. The devastating truth for race-baiters is that the Tea Party is against higher taxes for people "of all color," the Tea Party is against uncontrolled government spending that hurts all American families, and the Tea Party wants to protect and preserve the Constitutional rights and freedoms for all people of all color in this country. That is not racist. That is American. It is the liberal-left that insults our citizens who are black. It is the liberal-agitators who are the racists. One need only look at Detroit for the Progressive's heartbreak of empty liberal promises.
In the book, Darwin's Racists - Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, it is revealed that all people are equal as human beings and that modern science today declares that we are all ONE RACE - THE HUMAN RACE. The book reveals that Charles Darwin's theory of evolution falsely portrays black people as less evolved, sub-par humans in need of oversight. History shows that evolution has long been used as a Marxist-Socialist-Progressive tool by elitist leaders to demean and control what they consider to be the lesser masses. It is the race-baiting and agitating liberals today who portray people of color as functioning on emotion without the mental capacity or intelligence to see through the political manipulation. Today's elitist liberals would make Darwin's own elitists, racists, Marxists, Socialists, and eugenicists PROUD.
Progressive Democrats are on a power trip. One that will bring hardship to every family regardless of color. When the American middle class - which is today diverse with people of color - suffers under government constraints and taxation, then our less fortunate will endure the greater pain. Taxation is color-blind. Loss of Constitutional rights and freedoms is color-blind. Socialism, which some blacks are calling the "new slavery," is color-blind.
All Americans who want to understand the mind-set of the Socialist/Marxist/God-and- Constitution ignoring policies coming out of Washington today - that will crush people of all color - should read Darwin's Racists - Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. In a show of leadership, I call on Barack Obama to step-up and denounce the heightened race-baiting and agitating by liberal hate-mongers who are labeling the honest dissent of patriotic citizens as racism. If he does not do so, it will be very telling about this man who is President of the United States of America.
Sharon Sebastian( is an author, writer and contributor for various forms of media including broadcast, print and online websites. Her second book, Darwin's Racists - Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, addresses the global "evolution vs. creation" debate highlighting both the impact of Social Darwinism on America's culture today and its influence on current policy coming out of Washington
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