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OBAMA & Administration Again Confirm Their Incompetence in Gulf Oil Spill

ARParty : June 15, 2010

Once again Obama and his Administration have shown their total lack of incompetence over the BP Gulf Oil Spill.

It is glaringly evident that Obama nor his administration have no clue on how to address the BP problem or appropriately respond to the resulting effects of the crisis. Not only could this administration not find seeds in a watermelon, they couldn't find the right solution or required action to the Gulf oil spill if someone told them where to look.

Apparently, the only solution they can come up with is to distort scientific findings and declare a total ban on further oil drilling. This is not a solution, but a pure sign of an administration that lacks total common sense in dealing with a problem or offering a solution; not to mention taking the easy way out for political purposes.

Obama, his Cabinet and advisors have once again failed the American people by showing complete incompetence in their decisions and lack of responsible action. With total disregard for anything, both Obama and Ken Salazar's in their infinite wisdom decided to halt ALL offshore oil drilling. The result of their decision was to disrupt both the world oil markets and the cost of oil, further damage the international and local economy and put tens of thousands more of American people out of work. Why? On what qualified scientific evidence or opinion? With what proof that this will limit or change the probability or certainty of another accident occurring? Using what logical rationale or reasoning was the decision made? Using what common sense basis? Let us answer these questions for you, NONE or No Reason other than to further their left wing liberal political agenda.

Obama and his advisors, until it was too late, focused on the accident and its remedy instead of focussing their efforts in preventing the oil spill's potential landfall. His stopping the drilling of ALL offshore platforms as a solution to the problem, now or in the future, is lame, inexcusable and purely a political dodge and maneuver. Did we shut down all automobile manufacturers when Toyota experienced its braking problem that killed many people. Did we stop the manufacture of all cars until we find how to keep them from killing over 50,000 people in the US alone each year. Did we ground all airlines from flying becuase one plane crashed. NO! Then why are we shutting down ALL drilling when the only people that were hurt, inured or killed  were none and we have no idea as to the cause. NO COMMON SENSE!

Lets face it! Our Government is completely incapable of handling any natural disaster or accident let alone the Gulf Oil Spill. The oil spill containment should be left to BP and those with the experience. Certainly NOT government with absolutely NO experience! After all, BP has nothing to gain, financially or otherwise, in avoiding its role or responsibility in containing the leak due to an accident. They are in unchartered territory that was imposed by our government.

Obama and his administration's further solution to the problem is to hold BP financially responsible for the entire cost of damages from the spill. This is pure unadulterated nonsense and an extremely bad approach. Our government has as much responsibility as BP in this accident. Remember, it was the Clinton administration that, in the interest of so called environmental protection, forced and licensed oil companies to conduct the more dangerous and un-proven methods of deep sea well drilling without the necessary research or proven safeguards against accidents. And that is exactly what we are dealing with, an accident. An Accident caused by government regulation without facts or understanding. BP and others were put into the position of an uncontrollable accident through the wisdom of our elected government officials.

Furthermore, should government hold BO entirely responsible while placing a freeze on the entire industry, we run the risk of not only bankrupting BP, leaving them unable to pay for damages, but are actions will result in higher fuel and energy prices worldwide, devaluation or complete loss of peoples investments in the oil industry, loss of tax dollars, higher costs on all products, global loss of jobs, not only in the related oil industry but in all business. This is not what we bargained for! Again, this shows the total lack of Common Sense by Obama and his administration.

The solution is for government to first acknowledge and accept its role and responsibility in contributing to the problem and accident. Then, without hesitation, turn over all government and independent resources over to BP for containing the leak and get out of their way while, government quickly focuses and moves on protecting the shores, wildlife, environment & Gulf dependent industries in a logical responsible manner. Once the problem is contained and resolved, THEN we can hash out who, if anyone, is responsible for what and the ultimate remuneration.

Government is and represents you and I. We must all learn to accept the consequences of our government actions and decisions and not look for remuneration over every accident.

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