How much longer will the American People continue to tolerate the irrefutable negligence and total unadulterated incompetence of President Obama and the people in his administration.
President Obama has failed to uphold the oath of his office in which he swore to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." yet so far...
And now, in his handling of the crisis in Egypt, once again he rears his Ugly American head and shows to the world not just his incompetence, but that neither he nor America can be consistent on foreign policy or can be trusted to support its friends and allies. His insisting that Mubarak immediately step down so democracy can develop while in Iran, a potential nuclear threat to peace and stability in the region, he takes the exact opposite position and tact by supporting the Iranian government over the protestors for democratic change. He was called on the carpet and dressed down by the King of Saudi Arabia for both meddling and his lack of support in Mubarak's plan for change.
These and many other actions by Obama are the signs of a total incompetent and dangerous individual.
Not since Jimmy Carter have we witnessed first hand this level of complete inexperience, ignorance, ineptitude and lunacy that resulted in total disaster of our foreign policy, national security, education, housing markets, economy and job market. Its bad enough we had to bailout and are still paying for that nut jobs incompetence but we're allowing it to happen all over again, only this time, with far more reaching and disastrous consequences. Although I'm not so sure that Obama's incompetence is actually in some way by design.
No matter by design or just pure incompetence he must be brought to his knees. His policies, motives and actions must meet with strong vigorous challenge at every opportunity until he is removed from office in 2012.
What do you think?
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My thoughts about Roy Downing’s passing