On numerous occasions I've made the comment that, not only is President Obama the most inexperienced, incompetent and destructive individual ever elected to office but is also the most dangerous. Every day that passes Obama continues to reinforce my claims as his incompetence contributes to the demise of our Country and Liberties.
When you analyze this statement further what becomes more disturbing, not to mention destructive and even more dangerous, is the electorate of this country who entrusted the highest office in the land, to this dangerously inexperienced, incompetent, rank amateur. And let's not forget to mention the wave of inexperienced Senators and Congressmen also elected with him.
Although it may be far easier to limit and undo the incompetent and destructive policies, decisions and follies of Obama's Presidency, our country faces a monumental task in restoring the necessary common sense and good judgment to a misguided, historically ignorant and depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their President.
The problem runs much deeper, is more destructive and far more dangerous than Mr. Obama, who is merely a symptom ailing our Country. While the Country may be able to survive and correct the policies of a Barack Obama, it is less likely to survive the ill educated, easily swayed a multitude of fools who made him their President.
We need to open our eyes and stop blaming Obama, the prince of fools, but rather the vast electorate of fools, who are easily swayed by vailed and unrelestic political promises, that made him their prince.
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Two Great Quotes on our incompetence when voting