Obama, Pelosi, Reid & both Progressive Democrat and Republicans risk their political future attempting to push the poorly crafted, twenty-six hundred page and illegal Health Care Reform Bill through the House.
It is absolutely amazing to witness our elected officials as they completely and willfully ignore the overwhelming majority of Americans who are opposed to either the proposed bill or any Healthcare reform at all. Their continued arrogance and insistence on using every political tactic or maneuver to circumvent the peoples will and push their agenda through the house and Senate leads Americans to reach only one conclusion. The bill, which also includes new legislation consolidating ALL existing and future education loans, private or otherwise, under control of the Federal Government, is not about Healthcare Reform but rather government power and control over American peoples lives and liberties.
The proposed bill , is an utter disaster and total power grab by government. Ask yourself the following:
When has government ever been successful in running any Entitlement Program? Never, both Social Security and Medicare are on the verge of Bankruptcy and riddled with fraud. When has the government ever lived up to holding the line on costs or spending? Never. Government continually raises taxes because it raids the coiffeurs of the entitlement trust funds they create leaving only deficits. Why do they insist on reform of every ones health insurance to address only 10% of the population? Because it gives them complete control over everyone and greater revenue in which to abuse. Why is the bill twenty-six hundred pages? Because its a bad piece of legislation (the Bible isn't even that long.) Why are Obama, Pelosi, Reid & both Progressive Democrat and Republicans manipulating the process and using the so-called nuclear option (reconciliation) to slip the bill through? Because they can't get enough votes to approve it legitimately.
Bottom line, the bill is NOT about healthcare for the American People, its about government control over them.
Should this bill become law, it is every Americans responsibility to throw out of office,through the 2012 elections, the politicians who voted for the bill. We can then, with newly elected officials, force repeal of the Obamacare legislation in favor of a carefully thought out, realistic, cost effective, common sense approach and solution to non-government controlled healthcare reform.
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