Who lives, who dies, who decides? Americans know it is the ultimate question when it comes to President Obama's health care bill. What Americans want to know is the impact on family members of all ages if it passes. The question: "Who lives, who dies, who decides?" is emblazoned on the back of a book that digs into how life is valued and devalued by governments. The book, Darwin's Racists - Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow by Sharon Sebastian and Raymond G. Bohlin, reveals startling parallels between the evolutionist, Marxist, and Progressive mind-set that is entrenched deep into the platform of America's political left.
THE LINKS. Evolution is an elitist, God-denying, class-and-race bating theory that was quickly seized upon by the likes of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao and reported avid abortionist Margaret Sanger. It provided them a false scientific justification to treat some people as inferior and, indeed, whole groups as lesser humans. History reports that Charles Darwin's theory of evolution (or natural selection) became a political tool. When left unrestrained in the hands of government elites, it led to hardship and death. The book, Darwin's Racists, addresses how the government pits the "fit" against the "unfit" and ultimately decides who may or may not qualify for government resources, such as health care, based on a person's estimated value to the government.
Unelected, bureaucratic, so-called "death panels" were reportedly funded in the Stimulus bill. Wielding authority over who gets treatment based on age and value to society has Americans feeling queasy about the President's proposed health legislation. Obama has vowed he will get his government run health care or at least get a toe in the door to expand it later. Obamacare allows actual physical control of your and your family's lives. That warrants a look at whom President Obama has handpicked to advise him in his plan. Which brings us to the President's Czars and a woman named Margaret Sanger.
Elitist-Progressive Margaret Sanger, the purported mother of Planned Parenthood, was a devoted Darwinian evolutionist. A foremost liberal, Sanger denounced the poor, disabled, peoples of color and the infirm as "human weeds that drained societies resources." She advocated they should be left to die, including infants. She wrote that inferior Americans consume resources and that the"cold, hungry and sick" and the "less fit," who were less useful to society were nothing but"human waste not worthy of assistance." Sanger was a strong advocate of population control citing segments of society as dispensable. Sanger's progressive ideology and writings are explored along with a root source of many of Washington's emerging policies today in the book, Darwin's Racists.
Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, brother of Presidential Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, is a Chief Medical Advisor to President Obama. Dr. Emanuel's LIFE Chart - dubbed the DEATH Chart - depicts that our very young and those over 40 have been bell-curved as being less valuable and even dispensable when resources get tight. They join our disabled, special needs and wounded warriors. The chart targets those under age 14 as being less valued. Those over 40 represent diminishing returns to the government and lose value as they age. Is a chart that pits the "fit" against the "unfit" - - very Darwinian, very Marxist, and elitist?
Obama's handpicked Science Czar John Holdren wrote about instituting forced abortions by allowing the government to add steralants to drinking water. It is an insidious form of population control to limit human impact on the environment and weed out "those who contribute to social deterioration." Holdren says he was influenced by educational mentor, eugenicist and abortionist, Harrison Brown, who stated that for the good of society: "The feeble-minded, the morons, the dull and backward, and the lower-than-average persons in our society who are out-breeding the superior ones at the present time," should be sterilized. Brown asked, "Is there anything that can be done to prevent the long-range degeneration of human stock?" Holdren reportedly has never repudiated Brown's dehumanizing, Hitler-esque views.
Obama's Regulatory Czar Cass Sunstein appears to have a flagrant disregard for American's rights to their own bodies. In his 2008 book, Sunstein puts forward removing organs from terminally ill patients without their permission and presents legal scenarios that would allow a deceased's organs to be "donated" without prior directive. This is the man who also suggests that animals could be granted rights to sue humans in court and that embryos are "only a handful of cells."
Relentlessly, the President continues to include public funded abortions in his own health care proposal. It is a constant reminder that Illinois legislator Obama openly advocated leaving a surviving post-abortion baby to die after taking its first breath of life. For many Americans, under Obamacare, government control would extend from pre-cradle to post death. Aided by his closest advisors, is it any wonder when it comes to health care, that a majority of Americans do not believe the President has their best interest at heart? Cutting seniors Medicare by half a trillion dollars, adding millions of the able-bodied to Medicaid roles and expanding abortion, means less care and services for our most defenseless. With the word mandate, which means "force," listed in the health care bills hundreds of times, like Dorothy in "The Wizard of Oz," Americans need to know who and what's behind the curtain.
Sharon Sebastianis an author, writer and contributor for various forms of media including broadcast, print and online websites. Her second book, Darwin's Racists - Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, addresses the global "evolution vs. creation" debate highlighting both the impact of Social Darwinism on America's culture today and its
influence on current policy coming out of Washington.
By Sharon Sebastian and Raymond G. Bohlin
Website: http://www.DarwinsRacists.com
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Obama Remains Defiant With His Health Care Proposal