Toblerone chocolates were used by the Germans to gain favor with some French women during World War II. Nylons persuaded others to cohabitate with a ruthless enemy that had invaded their cities. During treacherous times some went into survival mode at the expense of their neighbors and their country. Others acquiesced to chocolates and nylons, patriotism be hanged. Many, as a result, were left haunted during their lifetimes by the betrayal of their country.
Today, in America, uninformed women are willing to make an irrational and dangerous trade-off of the rights and freedoms of all Americans. In exchange for their vote, the President of the United States and Liberal Democrats entice women to trade-in their God-given freedom and Constitutionally guaranteed rights for “free contraceptives.” Never mind that contraceptives are plentiful in varying forms. Or, that $9.95 birth control pills are available at pharmacies, and that contraceptives are not outlawed, prohibited or endangered. Otherwise, contraceptives would be a major black market item like crack cocaine. Never mind that the cost of pills divvied-up between the two-who-would-tango approximates $5.00 per person per month. The offer of “free” contraceptives incites a simple-minded priority with some women of getting something for free.
Barack Obama’s “free contraceptives for your vote” is a “hot mess” strategy that insults women on many levels. Slang definitions of “hot mess” are a “mess to the extreme” and/or “a person or thought in disarray but still holding some appeal.” Democrats are revealing that Liberals view women – not as thinking, innovative and entrepreneurial members of American society – but as walking reproductive systems. Democrats cannot ask women to vote based on a sound economy, more jobs, and less government spending – because Obama has failed to deliver even one of the three. A sound economy would allow women to prosper and choose their own forms of birth control instead of “free contraceptives” of the government’s choosing. After four years, Obama’s track record is a $16 trillion debt, 8.3% unemployment and no national budget to curb his reckless spending. Revealing his appalling narrow-mindedness and abnormal fixation, Obama’s definitive goals for American women consist of abortions, sterilizations and birth control.
Prime example of Obama’s “hot mess” strategy is one presented to Congress by Obama supporter and Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke. Fluke’s argument implies that American taxpayers should pay even if a woman uses sex as a party favor on date night: “Without insurance coverage, contraception can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school, Fluke laments. “For a lot of students who, like me, are on public interest scholarships, that’s practically an entire summer’s salary.” Fluke already has taxpayers paying for her education and now she wants her sexual activities covered as well. It is difficult to take such a woman seriously since Fluke admitted during testimony before Congress that the university already provides insurance covering the pill for women who have a variety of medical conditions -- such as a friend with polycystic ovarian syndrome. At her age of 30-ish, Fluke appears to want taxpayers to pay up, no matter that her sex life is her responsibility and no one else’s.
Founder of The Majority United, BettyJean Kling, has long been a strong advocate for women’s rights and a tireless protector of abused and neglected women of all ages. Kling takes offense at the archaic views that Liberals have of women: “What women are to their party is a vote and little else. Dumb as dirt, the very vocal Liberal women have been willing to settle for ‘sexual function issue promises’ [for free contraceptives] rather than insist that every issue is a woman’s issue. Real women care about more than birth control and abortions. Most women’s priorities include the cost of food-gas-heat-oil, education, jobs, clean air, and war. We are not about to settle for a single issue, nor should we be pigeon-holed into believing that there are ‘women only’ issues. There is no issue that we are unconcerned about – we work – we pay taxes – we are consumers – we are the majority and we hold the majority vote – we should be taken seriously and not judged by the minority radicals that claim to speak for all women – clearly they do not!”
Obama’s rallying cry to women is, “Get your abortions, your sterilizations and your free contraceptives here.” It is a calculated distraction by Obama from serious issues and an insult to women. Obama’s women are willing to forego privacy and allow government to peer under the covers. The greater concern should be what is behind the curtain as Obama orchestrates an unprecedented power grab – one of the most audacious in U.S. history. Duping American women is part of that process.
Obama sells snake oil about looking out for the middle class and women. Thanks to Obama and Democrat policies, based on percentages, more women have lost jobs than men since Obama took office. The latest Pew Research Center report reveals that middle class incomes under Obama are lower than they have been in decades. Women, along with men, can expect continued job losses if Obama is reelected. But, you will have your free contraceptives.
More women and children are in poverty. More people are on food stamps as government dependence balloons with millions of Americans out of work. But, rest assured, Obama will make sure you have your “free” contraceptives.
Obama pays men more than women. The Weekly Standard reports that Obama’s war on women hits them directly in their take home pay: Colorado-Republican State Senator Greg Brophy “offered an amendment that noted female staffers in the Obama White House earn an average of 18% less than male staffers." But, you will have your free contraceptives.
Under Obamacare, expect long waits while decisions for medical treatment for yourself, your family and your parents are made by a board of unelected Obama political ideologues. If you disagree with treatment or prescribed medicines, you will have no one and nowhere to appeal if treatment goes wrong. But, you will have your free contraceptives.
Under Obamacare, the government is granted full access to your medical and financial records and can seize funds from your bank account. But, you will have free contraceptives.
Home ownership is at its lowest since 1965 with a reported 1 in 4 family homes underwater and selling at a loss. The housing collapse is a direct result of a scheme whereby Democrats coerced mortgage lenders and banks to hand over loans to unqualified buyers who could not make payments. Democrats are reportedly poised to do a repeat, plunging the nation into a deep recession. But, you will have free contraceptives.
Massive budget cuts loom over American troops fighting to preserve America’s rights and freedoms. Meanwhile, back home, Obama sabotages Constitutional authority, undermines Congress, asked Americans to spy on their neighbors and report any anti-Obama sentiments to a special White House snitch website, unleashes unrest in the Middle East, buoys Russia and China’s disrespect for America, and undermines America’s security by releasing classified information that puts American intelligence and military agents in harm’s way in an effort to glorify his role as Commander-in-Chief. But, you will have free contraceptives.
Free Enterprise, energy independence, freedom of speech, religion and gun ownership are under assault by Obama’s liberal administration and its shadow government of 40+ unelected czars. But, you will have free contraceptives.
Americans of faith will be forced to pay, via taxes, for contraceptives and abortion-inducing pills for strangers, both married and unmarried. Taxpayers’ dollars will pay for partial birth abortions, long advocated by one-time Senator and now President Obama that include the “legal” crushing of babies’ heads to insure the death of living infants. Obama’s policies openly devalue life, disregard Biblical principles and proliferate declining cultural values. But, rest assured that Obama will see to it that you will have your free contraceptives.
Obama has robbed Medicare of over $716 billion already resulting in diminished senior care along with fewer doctors who will accept seniors. Obamacare pushes millions of Americans onto the Medicaid roles. Funding and staff that once went to our nation’s most vulnerable, our mentally and physically disabled, face severe cut-backs, closed facilities and over-crowding of those that remain open. Case workers expect “warehousing” of patients. But, you will have “free” contraceptives.
Obama and Liberal Democrats have set the “women’s movement” back decades. The leaders of the women’s movement touted as its goal, strong, independent, self-supporting “working” women who could lead America into the 21st century. Empowered by self-determination and attaining equal opportunity (undeniable rights for all women), feminists declared women would not have to rely on anyone, including Big-Daddy-Government. What hopeful feminist leaders could not foresee was a future President who would crash the economy, promote welfare and food stamp dependence, cost women their jobs, pay women on his staff less than male counterparts, define women by reproductive functions by designating abortions and sterilizations as top priorities in a woman’s life, force record numbers of women and children onto the poverty roles, mock their faith, make jest of our mentally disabled, decrease income levels for the working class, increase the numbers of the elderly poor, strip Medicare of billions of dollars to dump into a socialized medicine scam, denounce hard-won advances by women by declaring that they did not build their own businesses and successes in the work place, and then act like he is doing women a favor by giving them “free” contraceptives. The war on women is well underway and it was begun by Barack Obama. But, he promises, you will have “free contraceptives.”
Barack Obama expects women to be easily distracted by his current day version of nylons and chocolates – “free contraceptives.” It is a divisive tactic typical of Obama’s endless attempts to section off segments of society as “victims” whether based on income, class, age or gender. America’s issues are women’s issues. Despite Barack Obama’s efforts to divide and conquer, men and women from shore to shore stand united as Americans under God to defend this nation.
Toblerone chocolates were used by the Germans to gain favor with some French women during World War II. Nylons persuaded others to cohabitate with a ruthless enemy that had invaded their cities. During treacherous times some went into survival mode at the expense of their neighbors and their country. Others acquiesced to chocolates and nylons, patriotism be hanged. Many, as a result, were left haunted during their lifetimes by the betrayal of their country.
Today, in America, uninformed women are willing to make an irrational and dangerous trade-off of the rights and freedoms of all Americans. In exchange for their vote, the President of the United States and Liberal Democrats entice women to trade-in their God-given freedom and Constitutionally guaranteed rights for “free contraceptives.” Never mind that contraceptives are plentiful in varying forms. Or, that $9.95 birth control pills are available at pharmacies, and that contraceptives are not outlawed, prohibited or endangered. Otherwise, contraceptives would be a major black market item like crack cocaine. Never mind that the cost of pills divvied-up between the two-who-would-tango approximates $5.00 per person per month. The offer of “free” contraceptives incites a simple-minded priority with some women of getting something for free.
Barack Obama’s “free contraceptives for your vote” is a “hot mess” strategy that insults women on many levels. Slang definitions of “hot mess” are a “mess to the extreme” and/or “a person or thought in disarray but still holding some appeal.” Democrats are revealing that Liberals view women – not as thinking, innovative and entrepreneurial members of American society – but as walking reproductive systems. Democrats cannot ask women to vote based on a sound economy, more jobs, and less government spending – because Obama has failed to deliver even one of the three. A sound economy would allow women to prosper and choose their own forms of birth control instead of “free contraceptives” of the government’s choosing. After four years, Obama’s track record is a $16 trillion debt, 8.3% unemployment and no national budget to curb his reckless spending. Revealing his appalling narrow-mindedness and abnormal fixation, Obama’s definitive goals for American women consist of abortions, sterilizations and birth control.
Prime example of Obama’s “hot mess” strategy is one presented to Congress by Obama supporter and Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke. Fluke’s argument implies that American taxpayers should pay even if a woman uses sex as a party favor on date night: “Without insurance coverage, contraception can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school, Fluke laments. “For a lot of students who, like me, are on public interest scholarships, that’s practically an entire summer’s salary.” Fluke already has taxpayers paying for her education and now she wants her sexual activities covered as well. It is difficult to take such a woman seriously since Fluke admitted during testimony before Congress that the university already provides insurance covering the pill for women who have a variety of medical conditions -- such as a friend with polycystic ovarian syndrome. At her age of 30-ish, Fluke appears to want taxpayers to pay up, no matter that her sex life is her responsibility and no one else’s.
Founder of The Majority United, BettyJean Kling, has long been a strong advocate for women’s rights and a tireless protector of abused and neglected women of all ages. Kling takes offense at the archaic views that Liberals have of women: “What women are to their party is a vote and little else. Dumb as dirt, the very vocal Liberal women have been willing to settle for ‘sexual function issue promises’ [for free contraceptives] rather than insist that every issue is a woman’s issue. Real women care about more than birth control and abortions. Most women’s priorities include the cost of food-gas-heat-oil, education, jobs, clean air, and war. We are not about to settle for a single issue, nor should we be pigeon-holed into believing that there are ‘women only’ issues. There is no issue that we are unconcerned about – we work – we pay taxes – we are consumers – we are the majority and we hold the majority vote – we should be taken seriously and not judged by the minority radicals that claim to speak for all women – clearly they do not!”
Obama’s rallying cry to women is, “Get your abortions, your sterilizations and your free contraceptives here.” It is a calculated distraction by Obama from serious issues and an insult to women. Obama’s women are willing to forego privacy and allow government to peer under the covers. The greater concern should be what is behind the curtain as Obama orchestrates an unprecedented power grab – one of the most audacious in U.S. history. Duping American women is part of that process.
Obama sells snake oil about looking out for the middle class and women. Thanks to Obama and Democrat policies, based on percentages, more women have lost jobs than men since Obama took office. The latest Pew Research Center report reveals that middle class incomes under Obama are lower than they have been in decades. Women, along with men, can expect continued job losses if Obama is reelected. But, you will have your free contraceptives.
More women and children are in poverty. More people are on food stamps as government dependence balloons with millions of Americans out of work. But, rest assured, Obama will make sure you have your “free” contraceptives.
Obama pays men more than women. The Weekly Standard reports that Obama’s war on women hits them directly in their take home pay: Colorado-Republican State Senator Greg Brophy “offered an amendment that noted female staffers in the Obama White House earn an average of 18% less than male staffers." But, you will have your free contraceptives.
Under Obamacare, expect long waits while decisions for medical treatment for yourself, your family and your parents are made by a board of unelected Obama political ideologues. If you disagree with treatment or prescribed medicines, you will have no one and nowhere to appeal if treatment goes wrong. But, you will have your free contraceptives.
Under Obamacare, the government is granted full access to your medical and financial records and can seize funds from your bank account. But, you will have free contraceptives.
Home ownership is at its lowest since 1965 with a reported 1 in 4 family homes underwater and selling at a loss. The housing collapse is a direct result of a scheme whereby Democrats coerced mortgage lenders and banks to hand over loans to unqualified buyers who could not make payments. Democrats are reportedly poised to do a repeat, plunging the nation into a deep recession. But, you will have free contraceptives.
Massive budget cuts loom over American troops fighting to preserve America’s rights and freedoms. Meanwhile, back home, Obama sabotages Constitutional authority, undermines Congress, asked Americans to spy on their neighbors and report any anti-Obama sentiments to a special White House snitch website, unleashes unrest in the Middle East, buoys Russia and China’s disrespect for America, and undermines America’s security by releasing classified information that puts American intelligence and military agents in harm’s way in an effort to glorify his role as Commander-in-Chief. But, you will have free contraceptives.
Free Enterprise, energy independence, freedom of speech, religion and gun ownership are under assault by Obama’s liberal administration and its shadow government of 40+ unelected czars. But, you will have free contraceptives.
Americans of faith will be forced to pay, via taxes, for contraceptives and abortion-inducing pills for strangers, both married and unmarried. Taxpayers’ dollars will pay for partial birth abortions, long advocated by one-time Senator and now President Obama that include the “legal” crushing of babies’ heads to insure the death of living infants. Obama’s policies openly devalue life, disregard Biblical principles and proliferate declining cultural values. But, rest assured that Obama will see to it that you will have your free contraceptives.
Obama has robbed Medicare of over $716 billion already resulting in diminished senior care along with fewer doctors who will accept seniors. Obamacare pushes millions of Americans onto the Medicaid roles. Funding and staff that once went to our nation’s most vulnerable, our mentally and physically disabled, face severe cut-backs, closed facilities and over-crowding of those that remain open. Case workers expect “warehousing” of patients. But, you will have “free” contraceptives.
Obama and Liberal Democrats have set the “women’s movement” back decades. The leaders of the women’s movement touted as its goal, strong, independent, self-supporting “working” women who could lead America into the 21st century. Empowered by self-determination and attaining equal opportunity (undeniable rights for all women), feminists declared women would not have to rely on anyone, including Big-Daddy-Government. What hopeful feminist leaders could not foresee was a future President who would crash the economy, promote welfare and food stamp dependence, cost women their jobs, pay women on his staff less than male counterparts, define women by reproductive functions by designating abortions and sterilizations as top priorities in a woman’s life, force record numbers of women and children onto the poverty roles, mock their faith, make jest of our mentally disabled, decrease income levels for the working class, increase the numbers of the elderly poor, strip Medicare of billions of dollars to dump into a socialized medicine scam, denounce hard-won advances by women by declaring that they did not build their own businesses and successes in the work place, and then act like he is doing women a favor by giving them “free” contraceptives. The war on women is well underway and it was begun by Barack Obama. But, he promises, you will have “free contraceptives.”
Barack Obama expects women to be easily distracted by his current day version of nylons and chocolates – “free contraceptives.” It is a divisive tactic typical of Obama’s endless attempts to section off segments of society as “victims” whether based on income, class, age or gender. America’s issues are women’s issues. Despite Barack Obama’s efforts to divide and conquer, men and women from shore to shore stand united as Americans under God to defend this nation.
*** PREVIOUS ***
Obama is dumbest SOB to Hold office