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Sharon Sebastian : June 17, 2010

By Sharon Sebastian – Website:     

Is Barack Obama a Socialist?  To avoid the question is to avoid personal accountability to our nation, our individual rights, and our freedoms. If Barack Obama is a socialist, the evidence will speak unequivocally, his policies will confirm it implicitly and his stated agenda will answer the question undeniably. Socialism is the government forcibly taking from those who have earned what they have and giving it to others.  It crushes initiative, innovation and spirit while fomenting class warfare, racial strife and social welfare as it devours a nation.  Heed the words of a statesman:  Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.  Winston Churchill

Marxism is Barack Obama’s pedigree, Socialism will be President Obama’s legacy. It is undisputed by the President himself. Since college Barack Obama writes that he sought out and surrounded himself with radicals, communists, socialists and anti-government/anti-capitalist groups that suited his comfort zone.  Today, President Obama has surrounded himself with self-professed communists, socialists, anti-free market, anti-Constitution and anti-free speech advisors who have openly stated that they seek to control every facet of American society and totally transform America to suit their own agenda. That can only occur at the expense of individual freedoms, the heavy burden of taxation, the undermining of faith, the destruction of the middle class and imposed misery upon the American people. The demise of America is part of the strategy to clamp the vice-grip of socialism on a free society. A war is erupting today among the liberals themselves with extreme radicals accusing the elitist Progressives of not moving fast enough. The radicals who have thrown their lot with the Democrats have become increasingly impatient as they see a tide of sentiment turning against the President. Panic has set in with fears that the radical agenda, that has come within their reach with the Obama/Pelosi/Reid team at the helm, may be slipping away.

What are the elements of socialism and does Obama meet the criteria?  How does a country know that socialism is being imposed on its people by its government?  Here is merely a partial checklist. Key to socialism is “redistribution of wealth,” which is Obama’s constant mantra (check). Government leaders assume an elitist mentality and ignore the will of the majority of the people (check). The government derides or circumvents the Constitution that protects the people from tyranny at the hands of the government (check). The government takes control of the majority of the nation’s economy by nationalizing industries such as auto, insurance, banks and health care and attacks free enterprise (check). The President puts a Czar over the nation’s vital manufacturing sector that is quoted as saying…”we know the free market is nonesense” (check). The government blurs the checks and balances between the executive and legislative branches of government (check). The government passes and advocates personally invasive laws that will force compliance by citizens with the threat of fines and legal penalties (check).  The government force-feeds laws before they are read, that allow the government to fill in the blanks without oversight after the laws go into effect – such as the reported hundreds of  incomplete mandates in the Health Care law (check). Freedom of speech is threatened when the government’s stated agenda is to control the citizen’s use of the Internet via an empowered FCC, to shut-down opposition Radio-TV-Cable stations with massive taxation, to continue to target groups that peacefully speak out against government policies as “the enemy” and then direct radicals to “go get in the face” of those who dissent peacefully (check, check, check, and check).

Particularly key is to ridicule the faithful while attempting to transition the very faith itself into a core element of socialism called “social justice” (check – Read: “Darwin’s Racists” a

Still on the agenda is what the President has long said he desires. It is what all Socialist, Communist and Fascist governments desire, a civilian militia as the enforcement arm that can kowtow citizens into compliance.  Obama’s Manufacturing Czar is quoted as saying that “…we kind of agree with Mao that power comes largely from the barrel of a gun.”  President Obama has clearly stated that he wants a civilian militia as well-armed, as well-funded and as powerful as our U.S. military. The question is:  Why?  And, do we take him at his word? Politicians, the Press and the American voter will be held accountable as participants in the decline of this great nation whether they support Obama’s agenda, ignore it, or hide behind the veil of ignorance. Choice still remains, though the President recently stated there can be “too much information.” No sir, not in a free nation, but certainly under a socialistic regime.

The American Reform Party strongly recommends the book "Darwin's Racists"  by Author and talk show contributor Sharon Sebastian – Website: You can purchase a copy through the ARP Bookstore at a special price.   

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