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Start an American Reform Party Chapter in Your State

Michael Simone : June 15, 2012

Here is your chance to make a real difference! An opportunity to Take Back America from an 'Out Of Control Government' with the ultimate goal of bringing about smaller fiscally responsible government having elected individuals with a experience on the issues, common sense and a high degree of integrity.

The American Reform Party is looking for highly motivated, well organized and politically active individuals throughout all 50 States that agree with our parties principals to organize and run both state and local chapters of the American Reform Party. You will be responsible for fostering and promoting National, State and local policies, strategy, selection of candidates, scheduling events and fundraising for the parties slate of American Reform Party candidates.

If you believe and subscribe to our party's principles and platform for government reform and wish to become involved in organizing an ARP chapter in your state then,  join with us and start making a difference today.

Start Organizing Your State Today For a Better America Tomorrow!

There are several ways in which you can work with the American Reform Party and organize voters in you State. You can either request a State Charter in any available state or working directly with your State ARP Chairman.

You should first check our State Chapter list to determine if a State ARP Charter currently exists. If so, you  should contact your State Party Chairman listed and directly work with his/her office on their organizational procedures and needs in your State.

If you are interested in organizing a State Charter then you must request an official Charter from the American Reform Party for your State. To Request a Charter you must meet and agree to the following requirements when filing the below form and submitting it to us for approval.

General requirements for obtaining a State Charter:

  • Your will need to form a Limited Liability Company, or equivalent, in your state that incorporates the name American Reform Party of (State) or a reasonable facsimile acceptable to the American Reform Party
  • You will agree to actively promote, follow and support the National American Reform Party Guidelines and platforms as they pertain to the National Level of Politics and general good of all people
  • To maintain an office location as the main ARP headquarters for your State
  • You shall participate and contribute in all fundraising functions and events sponsored by the National Party
  • You agree to abide by the terms, conditions and by-laws outlined in the State Charter granted to you by the American Reform Party
  • You will at all times maintain a Chairman and Secretary in your company as required by the charter
  • You must demonstrate that you have both the time, financial resources and/or fundraising ability to sustain your charter and support candidates within your state.
  • There is a onetime legal processing fee for issuing the American Reform Party Charter of $2.250.00
  • To continually maintain a fully functional and interactive Website at your expense dedicated to your States constituency and supportersTo continually maintain a fully functional and interactive Website at your expense dedicated to your States constituency and supportersTo continually maintain a fully functional and interactive Website at your expense dedicated to your States constituency and supportersTo continually maintain a fully functional and interactive Website at your expense dedicated to your States constituency and supportersTo continually maintain a fully functional and interactive Website at your expense dedicated to your States constituency and supportersTo continually maintain a fully functional and interactive Website at your expense dedicated to your States constituency and supportersTo continually maintain a fully functional and interactive Website at your expense dedicated to your States constituency and supportersTo continually maintain a fully functional and interactive Website at your expense dedicated to your States constituency and supportersTo continually maintain a fully functional and interactive Website at your expense dedicated to your States constituency and supportersTo continually maintain a fully functional and interactive Website at your expense dedicated to your States constituency and supportersTo continually maintain a fully functional and interactive Website at your expense dedicated to your States constituency and supportersTo continually maintain a fully functional and interactive Website at your expense dedicated to your States constituency and supportersTo continually maintain a fully functional and interactive Website at your expense dedicated to your States constituency and supportersTo continually maintain a fully functional and interactive Website at your expense dedicated to your States constituency and supportersTo continually maintain a fully functional and interactive Website at your expense dedicated to your States constituency and supportersTo continually maintain a fully functional and interactive Website dedicated to your States constituency and supporters which shall be provided by the  National ARP at a nominal cost to cover monthly  monthly hosting and developer fees and cost of your individually customized website that will interact directly with that of the ARP National Website and its existing members and community.


Please fill out the below application and request form for an American Reform Party State Charter

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  • Take Action

    Join the Convention Of States
    Reign In the Federal Government


    Simple: to bring power back to the states and the people, where it belongs. Unelected bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. shouldn’t be allowed to make sweeping decisions that impact millions of Americans. But right now, they do. So it all boils down to one question: Who do you think should decide what’s best for you and your family? You, or the feds? We’d vote for the American people every single time.

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    • US National Debt
    • 00,000,000,000,000
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    • 00,000,000,000,000
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    • 00,000,000,000,000
    • Consumer Debt
    • 0,000,000,000,000
    • Credit Card Debt
    • 000,000,000,000
    • Debt Per Capita
    • 00,000,000

    Visit USADebtClock.com to learn more!