Either Bart Stupak is the most stupid person in Congress or President Obama is the greatest Con-Artist in political history. Why we make this assertion is very simple. Apparently, Bart Stupak and his gang of 12 along with their individual staff of attorney's failed to recognize or understand that an executive order of the President can NEVER trump existing law as passed in the Health-care bill. Why? Executive orders can change at any time by executive order of any sitting President. This is clearly evident by Obama's own executive orders to repeal those of former President George W. Bush during his first weeks in office. Furthermore, an executive order is just that, an order to the executive branch of government, NOT A LAW of the land. How stupid and ignorant of the law is Stupak and his gang of 12 or their legal advisors or how corrupt and deceptive is President Obama.
Stupak and Obama are the perfect example of the political incompetence and corruption of our elected Washington officials. We can no longer afford to have unqualified or untrustworthy politicians making decisions affecting our rights and lives. (It should be noted that early today Bart Stupak confirmed his incompetence in a Fox News statement defending his position.)
It is our firm belief and self evident that both Bart Stupak and President Obama sold out the American People purely for political gain. This kind of political maneuvering and back room deal making must come to an end. We are a land of laws and as we the people are all expected to live by and be subject to the laws of the land so should are elected officials. It it is overly apparent that our elected officials in Congress believe they are above the law in passing the un-constitutional Health Care Reform Bill through partisan back room deals and concessions.
An entitlement program, which in itself is un-constitutional, or bill of this magnitude affecting every single State and American rights should NEVER be decided by Congress or the Senate but decided by a Constitutional Amendment ratified by the States and Referendum by the American People, nothing less.
Bottom Line is had Stupack been a qualified, experienced, diligent elected official and man of his word and principles, the Health care Bill would have never passed the Congress as the PEOPLE wanted.
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Snapshot of where Obama and Progressive Policies are Leading America*** NEXT ***
Obama and Congress sign their own death warrant