Taking Control of Government in 2010 & 2012 Elections
Ever since World War II, there has been a Political Class of politician evolving in this country better known as Progressives. The first of our politicians to call himself a Progressive was Theodore Roosevelt and since then we have had several presidents who have declared themselves as such from Franklin D. Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Jimmy Carter to our current president Barak Obama. This class of career politician, comprised of elitist form both Republican and Democratic parties, arrogantly believe they alone hold all the answers to what is best for America, business, our children and the World. Their policies have progressively under minded the very fabric of our Constitution threatening our Democracy. They have continually eroded or in many cases are attempting to eliminate many of our fundamental rights while under false pretense granting broader powers and control over the people to both government and themselves.
The Progressive Political Class, who once elected care more about getting re-elected than they do about what's happening to our country, must be stopped. Our government and its officials must be held both in check and accountable solely to the will and power of ‘We the People’.
As independents representing over 47% of the votes in this country today, we control the outcome of any election in either the Republican or Democratic Party. However, our objective is not to re-elect either parties candidate but rather, whenever and wherever possible, elect an Independent candidate with common sense and integrity that will vote in accordance to the wishes of their constituents. By vigorously employing this tack and using the power vested in our votes we can accomplish meaningful change while taking back control of our government putting an immediate halt to the growth of the destructive Progressive Political Class.
Join the American Reform Party today in our campaign OPERATION CLEAN HOUSE 2012 to stop the elitist Political Progressive Class of career politicians and bring about responsible common sense change through the 2012 elections at all levels of government. The future preservation of our Country and freedoms depend on our taking action NOW!.
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Healthcare 2010 Exposed