I find the hypocrisy vested in the Liberals demands for the passage of Health Care Reform extraordinarily dumbfounding.
It wasn't that long ago when the very same Liberals were fighting for "Roe vs Wade", a woman's right to an abortion. The liberals, at that time, successfully argued that the government had absolutely NO RIGHT to interfere with that of a woman's right to an abortion. It was her body and her RIGHT to choose or decide, Not that of the governments. Since that time Liberals seem to have lost their direction and have done a complete 180 degree turnaround. Today, these very same left wing idealist now insist that government indeed has the right to dictate and decide for the American people what they CAN and CANNOT do with their own body when it comes to Health Care. They can't have it both ways!
This only goes to prove that liberal views are primarily based in unrealistic, unattainable hopes and dreams rather than in reality and common sense. Unfortunately, our government over the past forty years has promulgated this unrealistic thought process through the creation of entitlement and welfare programs and its progressive ideals that only lead to greater government control and power over the American people.
We must STOP the Healthcare Bill to uphold the values of both Conservatives and misguided Liberals.
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Obama and Congress sign their own death warrant*** NEXT ***
Stop the OBAMA/PELOSI Healthcare Takeover