One day, you hear a loud knock on your front door.
But it's not a neighbor visiting or someone trying to sell you a subscription.
Instead, it's a federal agent -- the federal government's newest threat to your liberty coming to check your household appliances . . . your light bulbs . . . your thermostat . . . and this is NO JOKE.
Believe me, I wish it was.
But should Cap and Tax pass, what I just described could be EXACTLY what you and I see in home after home, town after town all across our country -- along with skyrocketing home electric and heating prices.
That's why it's vital you sign the petition to your U.S. senators, demanding they vote against this dangerous power grab IMMEDIATELY.
You see, Cap and Tax has been revived and is moving through Congress right now, with select weak-kneed Republicans like Lindsey Graham and John McCain looking to make deals to pass this key plank in the radical globalist agenda.
Because make no mistake, that's what Cap and Tax is all about. More government control. More INTERNATIONAL control, with the corresponding loss of freedom and sovereignty.
There's really no other way to put it -- Cap and Tax would give the federal government UNPRECEDENTED control over the private sector -- and our very lives.
Big Government bureaucrats in Washington would effectively be able to tax businesses for emitting more carbon dioxide than they think is "appropriate."
Just as bad, they'll be able to demand you change your way of living -- forcing you to "retrofit" your house with "government-approved" lightbulbs, refrigerators, water heaters, toilets, air conditioners, and whatever else they can dream up.
And don't think for a second they won't send around federal jackboots to make sure you're complying.
In fact, the Cap and Tax Bill SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZES just such intrusive home visits by government snoops.
And combine that with the expanded power of jackbooted federal thugs under the so-called Patriot Act (which was recently reauthorized), and you have a recipe for Americans, for the first time in our memory, not being safe and secure in their own homes.
Of course, that's bad enough. But just like the recently passed nationalized health care mandate, Cap and Tax is just another excuse for Big Government to reach its greedy little hands into our wallets.
If passed, Cap and Tax would:
*** Increase taxes by $650 BILLION, virtually guaranteeing that our economy gets even worse and NEVER recovers;
*** Result in over ONE MILLION lost American jobs per year, as energy-intensive industries are forced to shut their doors or move overseas;
*** Allow Big Government politicians to decide which businesses get taxpayer subsidies and which ones are shut down, virtually guaranteeing massive corruption on a scale we've never seen before in the United States.
And don't believe the lies. This bill has nothing to do with the environment.
In fact, the best experts agree Cap and Tax will have almost zero impact on the environment anyway -- except, of course, for lost jobs, higher taxes, and blighted small towns and rural communities.
So what is Cap and Tax really about?
Raw government POWER.
Government POWER to tax.
Government POWER to enter your home to "check for compliance."
And government POWER to control the economy, our lives and our freedom.
Just take a look at Spain -- the Cap-and-Taxers' "shining" example of an eco-socialist paradise.
There, unemployment is approaching 20% and rising.
And what about all those new "green" jobs Cap and Tax apologists are claiming will be generated?
In Spain, for every new "green" job created (at a taxpayer cost of $800,000, EACH mind you), 2.2 economically-productive jobs are destroyed!
The fact is, passage of Cap and Tax could send our economy nose-diving off a cliff!
So it's never been more important that you act TODAY.
The good news is, Campaign for Liberty has a plan to fight back.
But, I'm afraid, unless you act IMMEDIATELY, Cap and Tax will become law.
I won't mince words. Our backs are against the wall. Already, Big Government politicians on both sides of the aisle have rammed this bill through the U.S. House.
And President Barack Obama would love nothing more than to flash a grin for his pals in the national media as he signs Cap and Tax into law.
So that means our ONE CHANCE to stop this radical bill is the U.S. Senate.
And there, our job isn't easy. Just like in the House, there are pro-Cap and Tax senators in both parties.
But there is good news.
There are also a lot of VERY nervous senators in both parties. In fact, even John McCain is now wavering from his past support for Cap and Tax, as he faces conservative primary opposition in his reelection.
They're nervous because they see the anger in the eyes of the voters. They know they rammed through a health care bill opposed by over 60% of Americans.
They know they passed a huge tax increase.
They know they've added trillions to our exploding national debt.
And these senators are nervous because they know that so far freedom-loving folks like you have fought back against other freedom-grabbing schemes – and are making real progress in our fight to reign in the out-of-control Fed.
They're nervous because we've exposed their assaults on our liberty.
So now, in this latest fight, many senators are riding the fence.
They're afraid of what YOU'LL do to them if they vote to ram Cap and Tax into law.
So today, our job is to KNOCK those senators off the fence and squarely onto our side by sending a very LOUD and very CLEAR message to the U.S. Senate . . .
. . . Any politician who votes FOR Cap and Tax should look for another job.
Here's how Campaign for Liberty plans to do that -- hopefully, with your help.
First, we're already busy contacting up to five million activists nationwide through mail, phones and email to generate petitions to the U.S. Congress demanding U.S. senators vote AGAINST Cap and Tax.
And that's just the beginning.
With your help, we'll work the blogs and write guest editorials. We'll brief influential writers and columnists who will be sympathetic to our efforts.
We'll work the talk radio stations and grant local media interviews to further turn up the pressure on Congress.
We will literally SATURATE the internet with posts, banners, emails and more.
You and I both know, we can certainly light up the "tubes" when we try hard enough!
And a few days before the vote, if we have the resources, we'd also like to run hard-hitting targeted radio, TV and newspaper ads calling on senators to vote against Cap and Tax.
Now, none of this is going to be easy -- or cheap.
But, with your help, I'm confident we can turn up so much grassroots pressure on our U.S. senators, they'll find out what REAL heat feels like!
I know times are hard, but this fight is absolutely critical.
If you and I don't fight back . . . well, I shudder to think about what could happen.
But I'm sure you'll agree, the America you and I treasure could end up looking much, much different in just a few years.
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