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Two Great Quotes on our incompetence when voting

BettyJean Downing : August 29, 2011

Brits to America: You're Idiots! Well, 51 percent of you, anyway.

Originally Posted By June Thomas  Thursday, Nov. 4, 2004, at 8:07 PM ET

Americans who think post-election anti-red-state recrimination is a U.S. only phenomenon should check out the cover of Thursday's Daily Mirror: Over a picture of President George W. Bush, the paper asked, "How can 59,054,087 people be so DUMB?" Inside, the left-leaning British tabloid headlined its editorial, "WAR MORE YEARS." In a clear demonstration of the trans-Atlantic culture gap, the paper's description of the president's beliefs—clearly intended to strike Mirror readers as a radical agenda—is simply an accurate, if crude, précis of his platform: "Mr Bush opposes abortion and gay marriage, doesn't give a stuff about the environment, is against gun control and believes troops should stay in Iraq for as long as it takes."

Any given Election year a paltry few percent of fools will vote in one side or another over some radical issue be it religious vs. Liberal  (abortion/gay rights) or Republican vs. Dem (Green vs. drill baby drill) issue which apparently is more important that the waste fraud and abuse going on under our very noses or how they are draining us dry getting rich while we get poor. While they keep us looking at a few divisive issues they are abrogating our very democracy and getting away with it. We are battling each other while they just spend our money getting elected and re-elected.

Both quotes are true, - the one about fools voting for Obama and dummies voting for Bush. We are a nation of sheeple who are getting dumber and dumber every day and paying for the honor to do so. The once great and proud America will fall if we don’t wake up soon.

Great quotes both - but- as far as I am concerned the best quote was written by one of our own when we formed this country long before we the people lost our marbles and sold our souls to one party or the other over a few radical issues none of us has any damned business dictating to the other almost half of us!

"I never submitted the whole system of my opinions to the creed of any party of men whatever, in religion, in philosophy, in politics, or in anything else, where I was capable of thinking for myself. Such an addiction is the last degradation of a free and moral agent.If I could not go to heaven but with a party, I would not go there at all."~~~THOMAS JEFFERSON, letter to Francis Hopkinson, Mar. 13, 1789


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