(The following is informational and is not an endorsement or lack thereof.)
Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich vows that his first action, were he elected president, would be to sign executive orders eliminating Barack Obama's vast cadre of unelected Czars. With the stroke of a pen, Gingrich would strike down Obama's politburo consisting of 39 power-laden czars that make up the president's shadow-government that threatens America's prosperity, freedoms and sovereignty. Gingrich's fixation on Obama's Czars reveals the depth of understanding of the danger they pose to America and the personal freedoms of Americans. A review of Obama's vast array of Czars and advisers reveals a handpicked collection of self-admitted Socialists, Marxists, Environmentalists and Globalists.
Reports are that Obama's premier Czar, Cass Sunstein, is a Regulatory Czar on steroids. Ostensibly, the 2nd most powerful man to Obama, Sunstein's directive is to regulate every facet of American life. Whether its home, work, energy use, food consumption, education, mortgages, banking, gun control, etc. -- a deluge of regulations, not already in play, are in a holding pattern to be released if Barack Obama is re-elected. The job Sunstein was hired to do was to oversee the creation and implementation of a massive web of regulations aimed at ensnaring and then controlling both the U.S. economy and its citizens. As an insight into his psyche of control, in his 2008 book, "Nudge," Sunstein reportedly puts forth the idea of removing organs from terminally ill patients without permission. This is the man who also suggests that animals should be permitted to sue humans in court, while calling embryos "a handful of cells."
In regard to international affairs and world governance, Obama relies on Harold Koh, Legal Advisor to the State Department, whom many view as a threat to America's sovereignty. Koh represents the U.S. in international treaties and legal matters. Strongest criticism of Koh is regarding supplanting the U.S. Constitution with international law, that American courts should bow to international law in adjudication of some U.S. cases and that the U.S. military could be tried in global courts for war crimes. As Obama's Socialist advocate in world matters, Koh says he is deeply committed to the "American Society of International Law." Detractors of the left-wing, former Yale professor are called ideologues. Supporters want him to be the next Supreme Court nominee.
In an insidious form of population control to limit human impact on the environment and abort "those who contribute to social deterioration," Obama's handpicked Science Czar, John Holdren, wrote how government could add steralants to drinking water, preventing pregnancies. Nature-before-man environmentalists, today demand control of human populations. Holdren says he was influenced by his educational mentor, eugenicist and abortionist, Harrison Brown, who lamented, "Is there anything that can be done to prevent the long-range degeneration of human stock" for the good of society? As Obama's hand-picked Science Czar, Holdren is the face of Obama's abortion advocacy and the "devaluing of human life" of all Americans of all ages.
Van Jones, a reported admitted Marxist and former Green Jobs adviser who was handpicked by President Obama, was preaching race and class warfare long before he entered Obama's inner circle of Czars. As current president of Rebuild the Dream, Van Jones is amping up his hate speech warning that: "The Progressive Fight Back is coming in October" and that "everyone should be holding onto their seats." Could this be the beginning of the "Socialist-Progressive Spring" in America? If so, like Obama, Jones has a problem. He is the enemy within his own rhetoric. As a self-described Marxist and signatory to a letter inferring U.S. involvement in 9/11, Jones is a tough sell as a newly, self-proclaimed defender of the American middle class.
Still a confidante of White House insiders, Jones is mum when it comes to his de facto replacement, General Electric green-global-capitalist Jeffrey Immelt, who is an Obama crony and current Job's Czar. Immelt recently shipped a division of GE's business to China and has reportedly created more jobs overseas than in America. Did Jones or multi-millionaire-Democrats Nancy Pelosi (est. $124 mil), Harry Reid ($10 mil), John Kerry (est. $295 mil), Dianne Feinstein (est. $108 mil), Jane Harmon (est. $425 mil), Herb Kohl (est. $231 mil), Mark Warner (est. $283 mil), Hilary Clinton (est. $51 mil), among many others, including the multi-millionaire-in-chief Obama, speak out against Immelt's actions? Wealthy Progressive-Democrat run corporations appear to get a no-comment pass as they abandon American workers to elude taxes and make their fortunes overseas. Jones appears to monitor everyone else's backyards -- but Obama's and Obama's millionaire Democrat cronies. Noted in the press as a player, along with Immelt, Al Gore and Barack Obama in the reported "great-green-global-energy-carbon-credit money scam," Jones has a lot of answering to do to the community he claims to defend.
There are 39 Obama Czars working daily to implement as much of Obama's agenda as possible. They are the ones behind the scenes who will be regulating Obamacare, housing, banking, Medicare, Social Security, energy, immigration, transportation, national security, farming and water supply among a myriad of other government services and agencies. The question to be asked at the next presidential debate is: Do Obama's Czars keep all of the presidential candidates -- and not just Gingrich -- awake at night?
(Congressional Maximum Worth Stats: OpenSecrets.org - http://www.opensecrets.org/pfds/overview.php?type=W&year=2009&filter=S)
Sharon Sebastian(www.DarwinsRacists.com) is an author, writer, and contributor to various forms of media including cultural and political broadcasts, print, and online websites. In addition to the heated global debate on creation vs. evolution, her second book, Darwin's Racists - Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, highlights Social Darwinism's impact on America's political ideology and its influence on current policy out of Washington. Reviewers proclaim "Darwin's Racists" a "Must Read," "Incredibly Timely" and "Perhaps the Most Important Book in Publication Today," as it addresses Social Darwinism's national influence with its Marxist/Socialist underpinnings that directly impact the fractious political, educational, religious, and social environment in America today. Website: www.DarwinsRacists.com
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