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Are we heading toward a Second Revolution?

Michael Simone : February 28, 2011

I found this article both extremely interesting and frightening. Knowing first hand the illegal and criminal union tactics of the Teamsters and Employee Unions that, if allowed to continue and combined with current economic conditions facing our States and country, we are heading toward nationwide civil unrest and riots with a potential for civil war and or revolution.

Dear Friends,

This is Amy Kremer, Chairman of the Tea Party Express, and I'm so upset.  Our friends at The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama and many others in the tea party movement have alerted me to a troubling development: over the past week there's been a dramatic upturn in incidents of violence against peaceful tea party activists by angry union mobs.

Here's just a few of the reports that were recently compiled:

*       A tea party activist in Sacramento, California was hospitalized after being assaulted by a Teamsters Union shop steward.  Police cited the union member.

*       Conservative activist Dr. William Greene was assaulted by a union activist at a rally in Atlanta, Georgia, as the union member violently shoved Dr. Greene into a metal fence.

*       Another tea party activist was assaulted by a union activist at a rally in Lansing, Michigan this week.

*       A Communications Workers of America member (shown below) similarly got aggressive striking out against a female tea party activist who was filming him using her cell phone camera outside of the offices of the conservative advocacy group FreedomWorks in Washington, D.C.

*       Fox News Channel's Mike Tobin was struck twice by a union member who first threatened to break Tobin's neck as he filed a live report on the union-organized protests in Wisconsin.

*       And remember, this all started with Democrat Congressman Michael Capuano putting the call out to union mobs to "get a little bloody" against tea party activists.

Barack Obama and his union mobs, organized by Obama's "Organizing for America" are trying to silence us and intimidate us.  But it won't work, friends.  We cannot let them use violence or threats of violence to silence us.

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The loss of a good man

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Chuckle, Chuckle!


Boy where you ever wrong
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  02/17/17  at  08:13 PM






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