The ARP today has released the BETA version to its website called the ActionCommunity. You can acces this portion of the site by clicking of any of the MY ACCOUNT links throughout the main site.
If you're an active member of the ARP site here is where you can manage your account information, contact other ARP members in your region, post your on discussion or artile on the issues, link with your Facebook or Twitter accounts, start a Political Action group for your community, schedule events, meetings, rallies and fund raising events with an RSVP and much more.
Because this is a BETA release some of the options available to you me be temporairilly unavailable or may not work as expected. If this should occur we ask you to let us know, using the 'Contact link' while remaining patient as we work out the bugs.
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CHRISTIAN PURGE – The Hitler Factor (Part Two)
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Trying to get the comment editor to work in ajax. I've been at it for over an hour now!
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 03/05/17 at 10:36 AM