BettyJean Downing's photo

In memory of My Dad: Roy Downing

BettyJean Downing : February 02, 2011

BettyJean  is sad to report the death of her father Roy Downing, who died on February 1, 2011 in peacefully in her arms.  He was 90 years old and worked right up to the end for his country by giving his time and energy to the American Reform Party as the National Chairman since its founding early in the 1990′s.

Roy was a World War ll decorated WRoy Downingar Hero and a former prisoner of war held in Germany.

Roy was preceded in Death by both his Grandson Mikie who was 34 and his Granddaughter Denise who was 45, both came at 7:15 pm. and guided him home where the three of them are now free of cancer and pain.

Roy was married to my mother our bodacious blogger known as “It’s Me Louise” for 65 years and she calls him his Prince- it was love at first sight. They have worked side by side their entire lives.

Funeral arrangement not set but he is entitled to a full military honor funeral if we agree. Mom is very ill however and may not be up to anything more than a very simple hometown funeral.

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Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  03/15/11  at  01:36 PM

Funeral arrangement not set but he is entitled to a full military honor funeral if we agree. Mom is very ill however and may not be up to anything more than a very simple hometown funeral.????/

Immigration to Australia
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  02/23/11  at  10:09 PM

Your dad will be sorely missed by everyone he has touched over the years. However, his spirit continues to live on through those, like myself, whom he has inspired. We are all better for having met and known Roy.

Roy, may you rest in eternal piece.

Posted by Michael Simone  on  02/02/11  at  12:43 PM






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