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Sharon Sebastian : March 29, 2011

When President Obama accused Americans of clinging to their guns and religion, many saw that statement as a salvo across American values as Obama appeared to hold less regard for the 2nd amendment and God than they do. The question Americans are asking today: Are President Obama’s policies linked to past elitist regimes that devalued life, pit the “fit” against the “unfit” and strong-armed the people’s dependence on tyrannical government dictates from cradle to grave?

The new book, Darwin’s Racists – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, connects current administration policy and espoused commentary to the root impetus for eradication of faith, racial division, expanded abortion, new government elitism, dismantling of the middle class, nationalizing industries, contempt for the Constitution, and devaluing of life of our elderly, our disabled, and America’s wounded warriors.

The book reveals that Karl Marx, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong, Margaret Sanger and others wrote of the inspiration or influence by Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution on their life-crushing policies that oppressed the people. Darwin’s Racists also reveals the current parallels to the regimes of the past and what it may mean for the future of this country politically, racially and spiritually.

The thread throughout the newly released book, written by Sharon Sebastian and Raymond G. Bohlin, Ph.D.,  is that we are one race – the human race.  In addition to calling Darwin’s Racists and “uncommon book,” a reviewer writes: “The most striking quality of this book is the ease with which it is read. This book also exercises excellent use of a gold mine of quotations by evolutionists, the political admirers of Darwin, and those opposed to evolution.  Anyone who cares about their future and the future of the next generation should read Darwin’s Racists and then prepare themselves to speak out and take action before it is no longer possible. The physical and spiritual future of millions is at stake.”








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