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After greeting her with a hug, the back of Obama’s head was all that Debra Burlingame saw after she asked the president a question vital to the CIA and national security. On the heels of the death of Osama Bin Laden, President Barack Obama set-up a May 5th meeting between 9/11 families and first responders. It was there that Debra Burlingame stepped forward as a citizen soldier. On behalf of CIA interrogators who face trial for waterboarding 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Burlingame asked the logical question. Since the efforts of CIA interrogators helped lead Obama to Bin Laden’s whereabouts, Burlingame asked Obama if he will intervene with Attorney-General Eric Holder to drop the Justice Department’s charges against the CIA interrogators whose work helped lead to the Al-Qaeda leader’s death.

On Fox News with Host Martha MacCallum, Burlingame described her encounter with Obama. Burlingame said that she told Obama that she was aware that Attorney-General Eric Holder was still pursuing possible criminal charges against CIA interrogators even though they were cleared in two investigations. According to Burlingame, sources within the government tell her that it is Obama that instructed Holder to indict the CIA operatives and that “Eric Holder was along for the ride.”  Burlingame described her brief interaction with the President. With his AG still holding a hammer over the heads of the CIA families, she asked if Obama will now intervene:

Burlingame:  “I know you can’t tell your Attorney-General what to do…”

Obama:  “No, I can’t.”

Burlingame:  “But, that shouldn’t stop you from offering your opinion.”

Obama:  “You’re a former attorney. You know I can’t tell him what to do.”

Burlingame:  “Sir, that doesn’t mean you can’t at least give him your opinion.”

Obama:  “No, I won’t.”

With no further comment, according to Burlingame, the President turned and walked away.

As a result of the interrogating techniques of the CIA, Bin Laden is dead. Obama calls it a “good day for America.” Further collateral results of waterboarding are Obama’s current hero status and poll bump. Requiring more common sense than courage, Obama should have the guts to declare the CIA interrogators national heroes along with the Navy Seals.

Amid two wars and a third in the making, Obama indicates that he wants the tragedy of 9/11 behind him coupled with his unwillingness to protect CIA interrogators. His words create a chilling effect - signaling intelligence operatives that they remain targets of his administration.

Burlingame: But, this affects our national security going forward.”

Obama:  But, we’re not looking back.”

Burlingame:  “But, Eric Holder is looking back.”

Burlingame exposed Obama’s mixed intentions regarding the war on terror and his support of the CIA when it comes to protecting America’s national security. Burlingame says she is just keeping a promise she made in memory of her brother, Charles Burlingame, pilot of Flight 77 that crashed into the Pentagon.  Such is the courage and heart upon which America was built.


Sharon Sebastian( is an author, writer, and contributor to various forms of media including cultural and political broadcasts, print, and online websites.  In addition to the heated global debate on creation vs. evolution, her second book, Darwin's Racists - Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, highlights Social Darwinism's impact on America's political ideology and its influence on current policy out of Washington.


Yes I am agree of what you said, Obama needs to seriously consider the Attorney General as an inferior officer of the executive.
Posted by California Injury Lawyer  on  11/03/11  at  03:40 AM

Obama needs to seriously consider the Attorney General as an inferior officer of the executive. Any intrusion upon the AG's job should be permissible barring an act of Congress that limits the authority of the President. The last time this happened (with Ken Starr and other 'special investigators') the Congress had to kill the law prohibiting the president from removing the officers "only for cause." Not sure what approach Obama is taking here (uncharacteristically anit-executive if you ask me).
Posted by Houston personal injury lawyer  on  09/26/11  at  08:28 PM

Obama decision creates lot of controversy every where. Why he gives Osama bin laden killing order to CIA. When laden under arrest. What is the reason I really wanna know curiously. Sharon I agree with you whatever you shared in this article. Thanks smile
Posted by Sunny Poul  on  08/17/11  at  08:16 AM






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