Our farmers are now trying to get congress to help then get migrant workers 5 yr permits to come into this country with their families to work on the farms.
the farmers claim they will go out of business without them and our food will then have to be imported causing the price of food to go much higher.
Now with the unemployment % already very high ,there should not be any trouble for getting workers ,just go to the unemployment office and demand as many workers that are needed and if the unemployed refuse to work then their unemployment checks should stop immediately!
Our country has gotten in this bad shape by allowing migrant part time workers into this country in the first place . First they come then fallows their families and they have more American babies than they can ever afford! These families learn fast about Medicaid, low housing subsidies , welfare, food stamps etc etc.
What kind of idiots do we have in this congress and president that cannot see what they are allowing , I for one say get rid of every last one of them and hopefully we might get some that learned how to add and subtract!
I am mad as hell and you all should be too!
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