Dear President Obama and Democratic Party,
Thanks Democratic Senators for going blindly along, once again, with the most irresponsible administration in history. Do you think the debt ceiling is high enough now? Never mind, you won't have to worry about it when your term is up.
Mr. President, every facet of your speech/appearance (460+ since taking office) was false. Let me show you what I mean...
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs Bill- When will you and the Democrats figure it out? We don't want you to try and provide jobs. You have no idea what you are doing now, how can you provide anything? We Americans want you to get out of the way and assist in providing opportunity not jobs. You don't know anything about allowing people the opportunity to be successful. You have never produced anything. You have never done anything to qualify you to try and provide the American public with anything. If you spend tax payer dollars to create government jobs then someone has to pay for it. Taxes cause jobs to be lost. So each job you buy (with my tax dollars) for the government, one is lost in the private sector (small business) because company's are not going to pay for socialism. Producers will pass the expense along in price hikes or reduction in the work force. (Harvard must be ashamed ) There is no such thing as a jobs bill. You don't "get it".
"Party of no..."- Well lets see!
Republicans reached out ot you and the Democrats starting with the insane 800 billion dollar stimulus trying to talk some sense into Harry, Nancy and you Mr. President before the Democrats committed generational theft. You and the Democrats aid No. How about all the crazy bailout stuff. Republicans once again tried to talk some sense into your administration before you gave tax dollar money to whoever with no accountability until after the fact. (Why are we only mad at banks? What about credit companies, automobile companies, wall street, etc? The banks are paying back the money they were lent with interest???Random Liberalism).
Remember troops were requested for Afghanistan... Republicans offered advice, suggested we honor the request for more troops, and went on record in support of the generals on the front lines. You and the Democrats said No.
Not only did it take more than a month to get a decision from you Mr. President but the Republican input was ignored and the decision was made by a few people in a backroom somewhere.
Speaking of backroom deals... Lets also add lies, bribes,and not only ignoring the Republican Parties input but disregarding the American publics opinion. Yes I am talking about the most sickening display of corrupt politics in the history of our great country - The Government takeover Of Health Care. The Republican Party time and time again came to you Mr. President with ideas and plans for the reform of our health care system. They were ignored, locked out, and even criticized. You and the Democrats said No. When the Republican Party tried to give their plan for health care you and the Democrats said No. Instead You and the Democrats decided it would be a better idea to sneak around and make decisions in back rooms.
Bribe senators with tax payer money. Blame the American public for being too dumb to understand how the government takeover of health care would be great. Thank God the American people said NO.
- How about Republican ideas on handling terrorists... Democrats said No.
- Republican concern about "Cap and Trade"... Democrats said No.
- Republican objection to Czars, Appointees, and Conformations... Democrats said No.
The only conclusion we Americans can make is The President of the United States has lost his mind or he is the biggest lier ever to take any office anywhere. Not only is Harvard ashamed but the fools who voted for this administration are ashamed as well.
We Americans do owe you a bit of gratitude though President Obama. You have reminded us of several things we have taken for granted and lost sight of:
1) Personal accountability and innovation is what made us the greatest nation on earth of government and entitlements.
2) Our freedom as Americans is very fragile and we see what can happen in just 365 days to shake our gifts of liberty to the core.
3 Just words, Just speeches are meaningless. What we all grew up knowing still is true. Actions define the person.
The greatness of this country will soon be realized though - November
2010 and November 2012.
Tony C
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Government Already Rations Health Care*** NEXT ***
Spending Like a Drunken Sailor
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