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Washington more concerned in their own future than ours

Louise Downing : July 10, 2011

Too bad our no good government leaders in Washington are all more concerned in their own future than ours. They all know full well how to balance the budget but their lobbyist control their campaign strings.

1-   I would suggest the easiest way to balance the budget now with out fire ring most of the government  workers ,causing more unemployment at this time ,is to cut every federal worker a salary  reduction of 5% including Congress.

2- We have military bases all over the world they too could be trimmed back 5% without hurting the economy too much in those countries.

3-Cut down 5% of all those foreign aid projects.

4- Increase income tax  5% for incomes over 300,000

5-I don't have any suggestions on how to fix Corporations tax  loopholes but they better start doing something soon as the public is getting a lot angered at our officials not doing any thing about it.

6-Put tariffs on all things coming into this country.

I am 86 years old   and love my country very much  ,I was raised during the depression and lived through the hardest times being very poor and yet after many years I am now well off and comfortable in my golden years, however what I see that is happening to this country now .I fear that my great grand children won't have the great dreams we had over the years. I also fear being the students through out the world are demonstrating and over toughing their governments ,that copy cats here too will get ideas especially college graduates that are in debt with student loans but can't find a job this could turn into a civil war here in the USA.


I like the most the 4th one, increase income tax 5% for incomes over 300,000 and I would add even more here, at least 10% for this income.
Posted by rutland hotel  on  09/09/11  at  08:32 AM

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Posted by singapore sales  on  08/16/11  at  07:20 AM






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