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Trump Campaign Collusion Investigation A Fraud

by Michael Simone
posted on Saturday, May 20, 2017

You are being mislead by the Press, their pundits, liberal democrats and even several stupid conservative republicans, that the issue of collusion is some sort of big deal or criminal offense in which President Trump must be impeached. 

Bullshit! These people are idiots! First of all there needs to be a crime and there is no criminal statute for collusion. If this where the case, then we need to bring charges against Obama and other former Presidents for colluding with the likes of George Soros the Koch Brothers or a hand full of other undesirable or desirable, depending on your perspective, political groups and organizations with ulterior motives who help getting their candidate elected. 

If these fraudulent  accusations and charges aren't enough, they're made even worse by the irresponsible reporting of the Press and News organizations in disseminating unsubstantiated, never researched, inaccurate stories as factual. This is then compounded and given further credibility by their ignorant, no commonsense, attention starved political pundits and so called journalists, who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground, to bolster and affirm the reporters false accusations an claims.

Oh yes! Don't let me forget our elected representatives in Congress who, we rely and expect to understand the Constitution and the law, are calling for impeachment. These fools want to spend exorbitant amounts of money (your money) on investigations and hearings into Trump and Whitehouse for, collusion with the Russians, a NON-Criminal activity and Trump's divulging of classified material. The latter I will save for another post explaining why, once again, there was nothing wrong or Criminal in his doing so.

The ONLY crime being committed is that of the Press not providing us with accurately vetted facts and truth!    







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