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Storming the Capital

by BettyJean Downing
posted on Sunday, January 10, 2021

By now you have heard that Trump supporters were storming the Capital because Trump told us to. First he did not, next we protested where we needed to be, right outside the Capital.

Here is my an eye witness account !

I was there where it all happened I am telling you that the MAGA Trumpers were peaceful and happy! We prayed, we sang and we hoped the Congress was going to send it back to the states to do a forensic investigation! That's what we came for to be heard!
We all stuck together all day BUT about 1 o’clock in the afternoon we notice other people joining THE MAGA group and we could see that although they were dressed like us they were not peaceful protesters, we could tell by their mannerisms, remarks and their nasty language  to incite us! 
There was no doubt, and no mistaking that these people were infiltrators and these infiltrators were bent on being inside this crowd among us and as soon as POTUS finished speaking. The crowd was being pushed and shoved toward the Capital. They dressed the part but with backpacks, go pro cameras and an intense look in their eyes - they were their to incite us! 
By the time I got to the Capital  the crowd was already all over the building steps and walkways! There were no barricades - a tremendous flag was brought to the top via scaffolding and unfurled! 
If was exhilarating to storm the grounds and to be sure those inside knew we were there- we came to be seen and heard not to hurt anyone or anything! Then as I approached the steps it became obvious that there was trouble! People were not content to storm the grounds - they broke in!
Oh my God the infiltrators among us creating trouble and havoc so that of the trump supporters would have been led into this mess! We were horrified, that is not how we behave! We were duped! We tried to stop them , we told our story but the plan was to use us and abuse our right to peacefully protest by marching us up to the doors and beyond! 
I brought 3 bus loads from NJ and we were on the busses and out of DC BY 4 pm ! That was our plan - we came to  be heard and leave before dark! The rioters didn’t wait till dark! 
I was there this is what really happened!







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