Since his reelection, Obama has insisted that Congress put forth a balanced tax restructuring plan that must include a tax rate increase on the wealthy even though this increase in rate and revenue would only generate enough to cover a few days of government spending. (Makes absolutely NO sense)
Meanwhile, Republicans have clearly offered and demonstrated an alternative solution that would not only resolve the looming situation using a logical and economically sound approach but would in turn produce greater revenue without raising taxes on anyone, than that of the of Obama's plan (Not really a plan but more an ultimatum with no substance behind it).
The approach makes simple common sense and imparts sound accounting principles. The Republican plan is to simply eliminate many of the existing tax deductions and loopholes available to big business and the wealthy which will substantially produce far more revenue than that of Obama's suggestion.
On November 6, 2012 the United States will hold possibly the most critical election for the office of President in its history. Who will you choose to lead our Country while closely upholding the American tradition, values and constitution
Currently the vast majority of the states only allow ballot access to only the two major parties, Republicans and Democrats. Independent 3rd or 4th party's and their candidates are either completely denied ballot access or the States requirements for qualifying and obtaining ballot access are virtually impossible for the party or candidate to achieve.
This practice and obvious discrimination against Independent party's and candidates is potentially unconstitutional when denying ballot access to candidates having clearly defined and distinct differences of opinions, principals and values from those of Republicans or Democrats.
President Obama promised Real Change if he were elected. Since he has been president every plan and policy for change that he has put forward or has signed into law (Healthcare Law) are deeply rooted in the principle's and ideologies of Socialism.
The very same policies and plans that have been put into place in many countries throughout Europe in the past and today. With the likes of France, Greece, Turkey and others who have long tradition of socialism are now coming apart at the seems with civil unrest and rioting because their countries are bankrupt or will be soon. Their government's can no longer support the unproductive masses.
If history over the centuries teaches us anything, it is, that Socialism and its ruling government has always failed its country and people.
President Obama and Liberals insist on the wealthy paying their fair share (more money through higher taxes) into our bankrupt system. This increased revenue is earmarked for government welfare and giveaway programs in order to achieve economic equality for the less fortunate. Liberals refer to this as a redistribution of wealth but is better known as STEALING.
This is further known as pure Socialism/Marxism policies that, throughout history, have time and time again failed miserably, eventually leading to the ultimate collapse of those governments practicing this system!
We would like to know your feelings regarding President Barack Obama's performance over the past year in office and how you would vote if 2012 elections where held today.